Meet Mrs. K (Khallaf)

My name is Melissa Khallaf and this is my 18th year of teaching. I was born and raised in Baton Rouge and received my education degree from LSU. I love all things LSU and also travel as much as possible. I actually lived in Morocco for 7 years, and my husband is Moroccan, which is why my last name looks difficult to pronounce. Everyone here at SMAMS just calls me Mrs. K. My teaching career began with 4th grade students but quickly realized after moving to Morocco my love of teaching middle school.

I always thought math was so difficult when I was a student so my family thinks it is hilarious that I am a math teacher now. I love using the conceptual strategies modeled throughout our Eureka curriculum to help make sense of our standards and to help YOU make sense of them too.

When I am not at school, you can find me reading a good book, playing with my daughter, or re-watching the 2019 LSU football season. GEAUX Tigers!