This is the first year for a K-2 list!

What does LYRC mean? 

LYRC stands for Louisiana Young Readers' Choice!

How does it work?

A committee of librarians read and review hundreds of books a year to narrow them down to the top 15 books. Students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade read or listen to at least 3 of these books over the school year, and then they get to vote for their favorite! The winner and honor books get recognition stickers and the authors and illustrators are invited to attend the Louisiana Book Festival to receive their award. 

This Year's Nominees

Book type: picture book

Genre: animal fiction, humor

Grub is a lonely racoon. Rumbling in the trash. Looking for food.

Seed is, well, a seed! Patiently waiting in the trash. Hoping someone will plant it.

When the two finally meet, they realize they might be able to help each other! Grub has just one big question first: What will Seed grow? Could Seed grow Grub’s favorite food, mouthwatering cheeseburgers? Seed isn’t sure what a cheeseburger is exactly, but . . . maybe!

AR Quiz No. 513857

 IL: LG - BL: 2.5 - AR Pts: 0.5 

Book type: picture book

Genre: informational fiction (water cycle)

Little Blue is very close to his iceberg parents so when he suddenly breaks away from them, he promises to return and, after traveling far and undergoing big changes, he may succeed. 

AR Quiz No. 514570

 IL: LG - BL: 1.7 - AR Pts: 0.5 

Book type: picture book

Genre: animal fiction

Hens and their chicks are living safe and secure in their coop, or at least it seems that way. They are happy with life as it is, and each hen knows her job. They don’t even seem to notice when one of them is carried off from time to time.

Until the day the capybaras appear. To the hens, they are too hairy, too wet, and too big. They don’t even follow the rules! Can the hens learn that different is ok?

No AR yet

Book type: picture book

Genre: animal fiction, humor

Welcome to Chez Bob, which seems like a real restaurant... until you realize... it's on an alligator's NOSE! Bob's got a hidden plan for his customers: "Birds will come to eat, but I will eat the birds!" 

As they fly in from all over the world to dine on Bob's face, something starts to happen that takes the lazy, hungry reptile by surprise—the birds stay. "More yummy birds!" he rejoices—he'll want for nothing! 

But when the time is right, will Bob make the right choice? 

AR Quiz No. 513596

 IL: LG - BL: 3.3 - AR Pts: 0.5 

Book type: early chapter book

Genre: animal fiction, humor

Doggo is used to things being a certain way in his family. He likes routine. Cat says he’s become boring. That is, until Pupper shows up!

Pupper is playful and messy, and turns the house upside down. Soon, the humans realize that Pupper needs some training, and off he goes to puppy school.

When Pupper comes back, he’s well-behaved. He’s not playful. He’s not messy. But Doggo soon realizes that Pupper also isn’t happy. So Doggo steps in to help, and rediscovers what it means to have fun. 

AR Quiz No. 513635 

 IL: LG - BL: 2.1 - AR Pts: 0.5 

Book type: picture book

Genre: realistic fiction

A young Asian girl notices that her eyes look different from her peers'. They have big, round eyes and long lashes. She realizes that her eyes are like her mother’s, her grandmother's, and her little sister's. They have eyes that kiss in the corners and glow like warm tea, crinkle into crescent moons, and are filled with stories of the past and hope for the future.

Drawing from the strength of these powerful women in her life, she recognizes her own beauty and discovers a path to self love and empowerment. 

AR Quiz No. 510702

 IL: LG - BL: 3.7 - AR Pts: 0.5  

Book type: picture book

Genre: kid-spooky fiction

House has a problem.

She’s a little spooky. She’s a little cobwebby. Oh, no! What if she’s haunted?

She’s not sure, but…her hinges creak. Her pipes bang. And on windy days, the branches scritch-scratch at her windows. She tries to hold her breath and be as still as possible. If she’s on her best behavior, maybe a family will move in.

How will House ever find a family that doesn’t mind being haunted? 

AR Quiz No. 512945

 IL: LG - BL: 1.7 - AR Pts: 0.5 

Book type: picture book

Genre: realistic fiction

Calvin is in foster care, and he wants to trust someone, anyone, but is afraid to open his heart. He has lived in a lot of houses, but he still hasn’t found his home. 

When he moves in with Maggie, she shows him respect, offers him kindness, and makes him see things in himself that he’s never noticed before. 

Maybe this isn’t just another house, maybe this is a place Calvin can call home, for a while. 

No AR yet

Book type: picture book

Genre: nonfiction, humor

Hi! I am Great White Shark, and if you get this book, you'll read all about ME--the greatest shark in the sea!

Not so fast! Greenland Shark here, and as the oldest shark in this book, that makes me the greatest. 

Did someone say fast? I'm Mako Shark, and I'm the fastest shark in this book! Eat my bubbles!

Wow, I'm Hammerhead Shark. You don't need my special eyes to see that there are lots of great sharks in this book. Sink your teeth into it now! 

AR Quiz No. 515278

 IL: LG - BL: 3.1 - AR Pts: 0.5 

Book type: picture book

Genre: humor

Words, sentences, and even worse, paragraphs fill up books. Ugh! So what's a reluctant reader to do? This book brings the energy and laugh-out-loud fun out for every child who thinks they don't want to read a book. 

Joining the ranks of favorites like The Book With No Pictures and The Serious Goose, this clever and playful read-aloud breaks the fourth wall and will have all readers coming back for laughs again and again! 

AR Quiz No. 514571

 IL: LG - BL: 3.2 - AR Pts: 0.5 

Book type: picture book

Genre: scifi/fantasy, humor

Special Agent Bubble07 is undercover on planet Earth. His mission: to decide whether his team of alien unicorns should invade Earth. Posing as a stuffed animal, he infiltrates the home of Earthling Daughter, where he puts up with dog slobber, tea parties, and show and tell. 

Will the unicorn blow his cover and call for backup? Or will his alien heart be won over by storytime, snow days, and snuggles? 

AR Quiz No. 515134 

 IL: LG - BL: 3.2 - AR Pts: 0.5 

Book type: graphic novel

Genre: animal fiction

Izzie and her unusual pet make a big splash at the county fair in this punny easy reader comic from a beloved children's book illustrator and comics artist.

Izzie can't wait to debut her pet at the county fair. While the other children have brought pigs or chickens, Izzie brought a...Kraken!

Even though everyone thinks Kraken is big and frightening, he is not. He's like Izzie, sweet and shy. Kraken and Izzie use creativity and humor to win over the crowd in this hilariously adorable comic. The variety of panel styles, speech bubbles, and fonts are all perfect for engaging developing readers. 

AR Quiz No. 512801

 IL: LG - BL: 1.0 - AR Pts: 0.5 

Book type: picture book

Genre: realistic fiction

Once a year, each of Ruby’s relatives prepares a special dish to share at their family reunion. Daddy calls it their “signature dish”—and Ruby wants one of her own. 

She wanders through the bustling kitchen looking for inspiration. As she watches Pop-Pop’s chicken sizzling in the skillet, Uncle G slicing onions, and Auntie Billie cooking corn on the hot grill, she wonders if she’s just too young to have a signature dish. 

That’s when she finds it— the perfect solution! 

No AR yet

Book type: picture book

Genre: realistic fiction

Molly and her mom don't always have enough food, so one Saturday they visit their local food pantry. 

Molly's happy to get food to eat until she sees her classmate Caitlin, who's embarrassed to be at the food pantry. 

Can Molly help Caitlin realize that everyone needs help sometimes? 

AR Quiz No. 518034

 IL: LG - BL: 2.3 - AR Pts: 0.5 

Book type: picture book

Genre: nonfiction

"All across this great big world, jobs are getting done

by many hands in many lands. It takes much more than ONE."

This is an exploration of the many types of work that go into building our world--from the making of a bridge to a wind farm, an amusement park, and even the very picture book that you are reading. An architect may dream up the plans for a house, but someone has to actually work the saws and pound the nails. 

This book is a thank-you to the skilled women and men who work tirelessly to see our dreams brought to life.

No AR yet