7th Grade Science Overview 6th Grade Science Overview
Unit 1: Phase Changes Unit 1: Microbiome
Unit 2: Chemical Reactions Unit 2: Populations and Resources
Unit 3: Metabolic Reactions/ The Human Body Unit 3: Matter & Energy in Ecosystems
Unit4:Genetics and Inheritance/Traits and Reproduction Unit 4: Forces & Motion
Unit 5: Biodiversity and Changes/Ecology Unit 5: Magnetic Fields
Unit 6: Water Cycling/Weather/Climate Unit 6: Earth, Moon & Sun
Unit 7: Light Waves
science is everywhere!!!
About Me
Greetings! I am excited to teach you all this 2024-2025 school year! My name is Ms. Mallard and I will be your child's 7th grade Advanced Science at McKinley Middle Magnet. I live in Baton Rouge with my three children. I enjoy exercising, dancing, and spending time with my family.
This is my fifth year teaching! I am grateful for this educational journey and the many opportunities to grow together along the way!
6th & 7th grade science syllabus
6th & 7th Grade Science: Course Syllabus
It is my ultimate goal that you are able to learn as much as you can to succeed in this class and all future science classes. I am more than willing to do whatever I can to help you understand the content material but you must also do your part by paying attention during class and putting forth your best effort.
In this class, you will learn about various science phenomena of the topics outlined below. I look forward to being your teacher and I hope that you will enjoy my class and develop a love for science in the process!
6th Grade Course Overview (the sequence of units may change)
Unit 1: Microbiome Unit 4: Force & Motion Unit 7: Light Waves
Unit 2: Populations and Resources Unit 5: Magnetic Fields
Unit 3: Matter & Energy in Ecosystems Unit 6: Earth, Moon & Sun
7th Grade Course Overview (**the sequence of units may change)
Unit 1: Phase Changes Unit 4: Genetics and Inheritance
Unit 2: Chemical Reactions Unit 5: Water Cycling/Weather/Climate
Unit 3: Metabolic Reactions / The Human Body Unit 6: Biodiversity and Changes
Grades will come from the following: tests, quizzes, labs, group work, bell ringers, participation points, homework, projects, and classwork. Assignments are graded so that no assignment/test heavily outweighs others. However, a good grade cannot be earned without both studying for tests and completing assigned work.
The grading scale is as follows:
A: 100-90 %
B: 89 – 80%
C: 79 – 70%
D: 69 – 60%
F: 59 % and below
E= Grade/Assignment excused X= Assignment not submitted 0 = Child received 0% grade on assignment
Extra Credit
Extra Credit opportunities are available, but students must have already completed all assignments before they are eligible for extra credit. Extra credit will be given for completing a “Science Current Events Bonus” form after reading a current event science article related to the Module (or unit) we are discussing in class. Articles must be based on a Science current event or discovery. See the class “Bonus” binder or Bonus section on Google Classroom. Students may submit (1) Science News bonus assignments per nine-week period. Up to ten (10) points can be earned per bonus assignment submitted.
See the school website or front office for a detailed school supply list.
Class Rules and Expectations
Rules and expectations are needed to ensure that the classroom stays orderly and chaos free, so that all students can learn and do their best.
Enter the classroom in an orderly fashion.
All students should be seated and materials ready by the time the tardy bell rings.
Be responsible for your own work and study habits. Plagiarism, cheating or helping someone to cheat will not be tolerated and will result in an automatic zero.
**Students are expected to use AI technologies ethically, respecting copyright laws, privacy norms, and the intellectual property rights of others. AI should not be used to engage in plagiarism, cheating, or any form of dishonesty in academic work. AI work must not be submitted in the place of student work. If so then results in an automatic zero.**
Stay focused on the lesson and do not disrupt the learning of others.
Raise your hand to speak or gain the attention of the teacher.
All students are expected to be silent when the intercom is on.
Classroom Procedures
It is the student’s responsibility to find out what work they missed while they were absent by doing the following:
Checking the assignment calendar on Google Classroom.
Checking the appropriate nine weeks assignment page(s) on Google Classroom or checking the “Absent” binder located at the front of the classroom.
Checking with a classmate or friend for missed assignments.
Checking with the teacher for missed assignments.
If students aren't ill, then students should make sure to submit assignments via Google Classroom/Amplify Science posted assignments by the due date and time.
Students with an excused absence will be allowed the number of days they were absent to make up the work for full credit. Students without an excused absence or those who turn in late assignments will automatically get 50% taken off of their grade (an automatic ‘F’). BE RESPONSIBLE.
Missed tests will need to be taken on the day of the student’s return. Test review will almost always take place the day before the test. It is highly recommended that students are not absent on review day. Missing review day will not excuse a student from taking the test on test day.
Because labs are time-consuming to set up and conduct if a student misses a lab, he/she may make up the points with an alternate assignment to be decided by the teacher.
*The teacher will not constantly remind students to turn in or makeup assignments. Zeroes will be given for any tests/assignments that are not made up.
Students are to enter the classroom quietly, take their seats, and begin preparing for class immediately. To prepare for class, students should do the following:
Observe the objectives/agenda for the day
Get out all of their necessary class materials and turn in any homework to your Class Assignment Bin
Write down the homework assignment displayed in the homework section of the board in their student planner
Begin the bell ringer displayed on the board
Leaving during class will not be allowed without the teacher’s permission and a hall pass (planner). Going to the bathroom is reserved for emergencies only. Students will receive 3 free bathroom passes per nine-week period and are only allowed 3 minutes to use the bathroom. If a student has not returned within the allowed time then they will receive a minor infraction for skipping (unless the student has an excuse with the nurse). Students should go to the bathroom before class.
Upon the teacher’s direction, students will be told to begin packing up. All trash should be gathered from around your seat and table to be thrown away upon leaving the class. Textbooks should be stacked neatly on the desk and all class materials should be put away in their correct place.
During group and lab work, students are to work with classmates sitting at the table with them. No one may work with someone at another table unless instructed to do so by the teacher. During group or lab work, all students are expected to cooperate, do their fair share of work, and work together as quietly as possible.
All lab safety rules shall be followed by students during the lab. Horseplay or not following the teacher’s directions will result in an infraction, consequence, or getting prohibited from participating in any future labs.
Occasionally, students may enter the classroom to find lab equipment placed on their table. No student is allowed to touch the lab equipment until instructed to do so by the teacher. Doing so without permission will result in an infraction, consequence, or getting prohibited from participating in the lab that day.
Unless instructed otherwise by the teacher, all completed work should be placed in the appropriate Class Assignment Bin.
Points will be taken off if the student’s name is not written on assignments. If you turned in work and received a zero on it, it may be because your name was not on the assignment. In this case, please see the teacher.
All assignments should be turned in neat and completed with the correct heading. Points will be taken off for messy or incomplete work!
Students that complete their work early may quietly do the following:
Read a book, paper, or magazine
Work on a homework assignment or an assignment for another class
Go to a learning enrichment website
Tutor or help a classmate upon the teacher’s permission
**Most importantly, do not disturb other students who are still working.
Students who choose not to follow the rules or procedures of the classroom will face some of the following consequences. Severe infractions such as fighting will immediately be referred to the school administration.
1st Infraction: Verbal warning
2nd Infraction: Teacher/Student conference
3rd Infraction: Parental contact
4th Infraction: Office Referral
Individual student reward
Class reward
Verbal recognition/positive note home
*View Grades: http://ebr.edgear.net/progress
MMAM Resources
Help students and parents help themselves by making resources easily accessible.
Student sites
(Syllabus located above)