
All students are supplied with a Student Agenda Book at the beginning of school. Students should bring the following items with them on the first day of school. Some supplies may need to be replenished throughout the year.

  1. 3-ring binder

  2. four 2-pocket folders (different colors, if possible)

  3. a supply of #2 pencils

  4. pair of headphones and a gallon size Ziploc bag (labeled with child’s first and last name)

  5. erasers (block and pencil top)

  6. glue sticks

  7. scissors

  8. colored pencils

  9. box of crayons

  10. yellow highlighter

  11. dry erase markers and eraser

  12. large box of Kleenex to be shared with the class

  13. a box of band-aids to be shared with the class

  14. a pencil box/pouch

  15. ruler (with inches and centimeters)

  16. a handheld, small pencil sharpener that has a receptacle to collect shavings

  17. optional: mouse for 1:1 Chromebooks

Classroom Wish List:

  • boxes of tissues

  • hand sanitizer

  • antibacterial hand soap

  • band-aids

  • paper towels

These items are always appreciated! Thank you in advance!