Friday 9th February 2024


Dear Families, 

Thank you to all of our families who have been able to join us for open classrooms this afternoon. It has been wonderful to welcome you into school and give you the opportunity to share in your child's learning and have a look in books.  We will organise another open classrooms for the summer term.

It has been a short half term with lots of exciting learning packed into it.  Have a wonderful week off and we look forward to seeing you back in school on Monday 19th February at 8:45am. 

Have a lovely week, 

With warm wishes

Mrs Winter 


Every moment matters. Even having a short amount of time off can be disruptive; your child might fall behind in their work and they miss out on social connections with their peers. 

Our school attendance is currently 95.55%. As a school we aim for our whole school attendance to be 97% and above. In aiming for 97% attendance we have some exciting news to share with our parents, carers and children. Our non-uniform day reward for 10 days with 100% team attendance has proved really popular and it has been lovely to see the children excited and invested in attendance.

We also want the opportunity to recognise those children who have achieved 100% attendance, but recognise that a whole term can seem like a long time.  Instead we will celebrate those children who have achieved 100% attendance over a month. We will celebrate them by announcing these children in assembly and by entering each child who has 100% attendance over month into a raffle. A child will be drawn from each team with the winner winning a voucher that entitles them to a free game of bowling at Hollywood Bowl in York or a free game of mini golf at Putt Stars in York! Our January winners will be announced in assembly on Wed 21st February.

Thank you all for your ongoing support and if you have any questions or concerns please contact Mr Metcalfe.


What's Cooking?

Team Swale have been in Cook School this week to celebrate the Chinese New Year.  They enjoyed making some delicious Chinese noodles which they ate using chopsticks whilst listening to the story of 'I'm going on a Dragon Hunt'.  They have learnt about some Chinese New Year traditions and how they celebrate for 15 days!  The children also showed off their artistic skills making some Chinese lanterns to take home. 

Louise Soper

Cook School Lead


On Monday 8th April, we have an exciting KS1 workshop for the full morning which will be delivered by DanTastic Education.

Next half terms topic focuses on 'how Britain has changed since the 1960s' and we have organised a really engaging and exciting 1960s workshop.

The team at DanTastic will be coming in to work with all the KS1 children and we are really looking forward to it!

We are asking for a voluntary contribution of £6.50 per child and payment can be made via ParentPay.

Thank you for your continued support.

Many thanks

The KS1 Team


We will be celebrating world book day on Thursday 7th March this year with a focus on Poetry where each class will have some new books to use. Your child will work with their reading buddies in school to learn a piece of performance poetry which will then be performed to the school in assembly. 

Please note as there is already a non-uniform day planned for Friday 8th March for donations for this years Chocolate Bingo. Your child can either come in non-uniform or as their favourite book character on the Friday. Please can we ask that children attend school on the Thursday in uniform a normal. 

We are running our very popular community reading cafe again throughout March at 8:45 - 9:15am. 

This is in aid of raising money for a local community charity called Communitea- they support those with mental health concerns in our local area. 

We invite you into school to read with your child and to enjoy a drink and a biscuit or cake for £1 per person.

Please can you let us know by completing this form if you will be joining us, and how many people you will be bringing.



                                                                                                     12th February - Half Term

19th February - Term Starts

7th March - World Book Day

8th March - Non Uniform Day (Chocolate donation)

20th March - FOSHA Event - Chocolate Easter Bingo

25th March - Easter holidays

8th April - Term Starts

12th April - Teacher Training Day (School closed to all pupils)


PSHE Parent half term overview Spring 2 Healthy Me


MSA wanted Staynor Hall poster.pdf



Clinics - Feb 2024 - PDF.pdf


Selby parent carer group poster 2 NEW.pdf