Friday 28th April 2023


Dear Parents and Carers 

Thank you for your continued effort at supporting us with raising attendance at school.  We celebrate class attendance weekly through our Classopoly game and children love to be part of a winning team where children get to enjoy an award each week.  All classes that achieve over 97% attendance get to play Classopoly each week to receive their award.

This week we have seen our children from Team Derwent visit the residents at Osbourne House.  The children spent Wednesday afternoon at Osbourne House where they talked to the residents, played games and did craft activities together.  It was heartwarming to hear the children's experience and how they spoke of the difference it made to the residents.  If you have not seen the photos on Twitter I would encourage you to have a look, they are wonderful.  Next week children in Team Calder will be visiting.  All children in KS2 will visit this term and we hope to extend the visits in to KS1 next year.

We look forward to seeing our families for our picnic lunch on Friday to celebrate the King's Coronation.  Please see further information below.

I hope you have a wonderful long weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday morning.

Best wishes

Mrs Winter 


Our whole school attendance target is 97%

Last week our whole school attendance was: 92.55%

This week our whole school attendance is:  95.09%

Attendance update:

Tiny Steps - 94.38%

Team Esk - 99.34%

Team Swale - 91.67%

Team Nidd - 89.88%

Team Aire - 95.00%

Team Wharfe - 97.69%

Team Ouse - 95.65%

Team Derwent -  97.50%

Team Foss - 94.58%

Team Calder - 98.89%

Team Humber - 90.42%


Children are invited to design and make their own crown to celebrate the coronation of our new Monarch.  Children will make their crowns at home and we would ask them to bring them to school on Friday 5th May.  

If your child is in Tiny Steps or Esk, you are invited into school to have lunch at 11.30 a.m. with your child (school lunch that day will be a special picnic bag).  Please come to the staff entrance.  It is our intention for everyone to have their lunch outside (weather permitting).  You are welcome to bring a chair and/or picnic blanket and don't forget to bring your own lunch.

If your child is in Reception to Year 6, you are invited into school at 12.00 p.m. to have lunch on the school field with your child/children (school lunch that day will be a special picnic bag).  You are welcome to bring a chair and/or picnic blanket and don't forget to bring your own lunch.

Children in Tiny Steps and Esk need to stay in their area so if they have a sibling in Reception to Year 6, your older child is welcome to come and sit with you and your younger child.

All children will stay in school until 3.15 p.m. (3.30 p.m. in Tiny Steps and Nursery)

Please can we ask that the lunch you bring to school is nut free. 

At 12.30 p.m. the children will showcase their crowns in a crown parade.

Flag waving is highly encouraged!!

If anyone requires any resources to make their crown, please email admin.shs@ebor.academy and they will pass on a message to your child's class teacher.


As a polite reminder, please can children refrain from using their bikes and scooters on school grounds.  Children are also asked not to play on the adventure trail during pick-ups and drop-offs.  


If you have not yet completed your child's breakfast selection for SATs week, please can you do this by Friday 5th May at the very latest.

SATs breakfast 


Team Calder are still in Brazil and have continued to make Pao de Queijo (Brazilian Cheese Bread) in Cook School. They have been using lots of skills including measuring, weighing, blending and baking.  They continue to learn about the ingredients they have used and why.    

A special mention for all the Phunky Foods Ambassadors!  They delivered a brilliant assembly to the whole school this week.  Not only did they show extreme courage, they thrived in their new role in promoting healthy eating and the 'Strive for Five' message. In addition to this, they have launched a 'Strive for Five' competition!  All children are invited to get creative and design a poster to help promote the 'Strive for Five' campaign.  Children can collect an entry form in school and the closing date is Thursday 4th May 2023.  There will be prizes and the top four posters will be displayed around school for all to admire!  Good luck!


Our sharing assemblies are on Wednesdays and start at 2.45 p.m.  

Swale 24th May 2023

Nidd 14th June 2023

Aire 17th May 2023

Wharfe 7th June 2023

Ouse 5th June 2023

Derwent 12th July 2023

Foss 21st June 2023

Calder 11th July 2023

Humber 28th June 2023


Wednesday 17th May - Scholastic ½ price book fair

Friday 26th May - Dress Down Day in exchange for a £1 donation (children to come dressed as their favourite coloured flower).  

More information to follow from the school council.

Tuesday 9th May to Friday 12th May - Y6 SATs Week

Monday 26th & Tuesday 27th June - Wizard of Oz Performance (5.30 p.m.) - further information will be sent out soon

