Friday 21st April 2023


Dear Parents and Carers 

It's been a busy week back after a much needed Easter break. The children have come back to school with a spring in their step and they are looking forward to new learning that is taking place! 

The summer term is always such a busy one with school trips, sports day, SATs, transition days, reports, the summer fair and so much more! We are also looking forward to a Staynor Hall first, our musical production of The Wizard of Oz, which will take place in June.  The children and staff are working incredibly hard and we cannot wait for the final performance! 

We are very much looking forward to sharing our learning with you this term through our class assemblies, please see the dates below for each class.  We are also looking forward to welcoming you into school to celebrate the King Charles III Coronation. Please see the information below for details. 

We are always looking for parents who may be able to support us in school, whether that is by coming in and listening to children read, supporting with school trips or events such as the summer fair.  If you feel you are able to offer us some or your time, either on a regular basis or occasionally we would love to hear from you, please speak to Mrs Winter, your child's teacher or email/phone the school office. 

Fingers cross the sun stays out over the weekend! 

With best wishes 

Mrs Winter 


Our whole school attendance target is 97%

Last week our whole school attendance was: 94.61%

This week our whole school attendance is:  92.55%

Attendance update:

Tiny Steps - 90.83%

Team Esk - 88.27%%

Team Swale - 81.43%

Team Nidd - 84.76%

Team Aire - 94.80%

Team Wharfe - 95.93%

Team Ouse - 94.83%

Team Derwent - 97.00%

Team Foss - 92%

Team Calder - 98.82%

Team Humber - 93.67%


Children are invited to design and make their own crown to celebrate the coronation of our new Monarch.  Children will make their crowns at home and we would ask them to bring them to school on Friday 5th May.  

If your child is in Tiny Steps or Esk, you are invited into school to have lunch at 11.30 a.m. with your child (school lunch that day will be a special picnic bag).  Please come to the staff entrance.  It is our intention for everyone to have their lunch outside (weather permitting).  You are welcome to bring a chair and/or picnic blanket and don't forget to bring your own lunch.

If your child is in Reception to Year 6, you are invited into school at 12.00 p.m. to have lunch on the school field with your child/children (school lunch that day will be a special picnic bag).  You are welcome to bring a chair and/or picnic blanket and don't forget to bring your own lunch.

Please can we ask that the lunch you bring to school is nut free. 

At 12.30 p.m. the children will showcase their crowns in a crown parade.

Flag waving is highly encouraged!!

If anyone requires any resources to make their crown, please email admin.shs@ebor.academy and they will pass on a message to your child's class teacher.

Year 6 SATS Breakfast (9TH TO 12TH mAY)

To put your child at ease and so they can have a relaxed start to the morning, we would like children to arrive at school at 8.15 a.m. where they will be given breakfast with their friends. 

Please can you click on the link below and complete the Google form with their breakfast selections.  

SATs breakfast 

Design a Knights Training Top


Following the success of last year's competition, York RLFC are once again giving fans the opportunity to design a training top for a Knights game with the winning design to go into production by Oxen and worn by the team in the warm-up at their Betfred Championship education themed game against Featherstone Rovers on the 25th June.

Last year, we they received over 150 entries with the winner chosen by our Chairman, who chose an entry from Stockton on the Forest Primary school. 

We encourage entries to get creative with your design! From colour scheme to design elements - the more creative the better!

Download the pdf attached to complete your design:

All entries must be submitted by Monday 24th April to info@yorrkrlfc.com or handed in to the Club Shop at the LNER Community Stadium by the same date.

Design the Knights Training Top (A4 Document) (297 × 210mm) 1.pdf 

What's Cooking

Children have settled straight back into Cook School this week and have travelled to Brazil!  Team Calder have been making Pao de Queijo (Brazilian Cheese Bread) and have been using lots of skills including measuring, weighing, blending and baking.  They have learnt about Tapioca Flour and Cornflour and considered the ingredients they have used and why.    

Our Phunky Foods Ambassadors would like to share an important message with you this week focusing on eating a healthy breakfast.

Online safety

Many of our pupils enjoy playing games on consoles and we wanted to make you aware of Roblox and games that children can play within this platform.  Ro-Meet has been brought to our attention where you can talk to strangers,  it is attractive to children through the graphics used and children could receive inappropriate messages through this. It is our intention that children enjoy playing computer games online and can stay safe by making parents and carers aware of this. Attached is a short pdf file explaining about Roblox further.  

Roblox Safety Poster

Sharing assemblies

Our sharing assemblies are on Wednesdays and start at 2.45 p.m.  

Swale 24th May 2023

Nidd 14th June 2023

Aire 17th May 2023

Wharfe 7th June 2023

Ouse 5th June 2023

Derwent 12th July 2023

Foss 21st June 2023

Calder 11th July 2023

Humber 28th June 2023


A huge thank you to all the children who entered FOSHA's Design a Door competition, the winners were selected by Mr. Tweedlie our Chair of Governors and the entries were designed by:

Noah (EYFS), Mia-May (KS1) & Sofia (KS2)


Friday 26th May - Dress Down Day in exchange for stationery

Tuesday 9th May to Friday 12th May - Y6 SATs Week

Monday 26th & Tuesday 27th June - Wizard of Oz Performance (5.30 p.m.) - further information will be sent out soon
