3rd Grade

Students in grades 3 and 4 are joyfully invited to join Central School's Chorus :) 

To join Central Chorus, CLICK HERE

Third graders are learning some new elements in music literacy while still developing our Tuneful, Beatful, Artful selves! We are working on improving our vocal technique when singing, our intonation when singing, and focusing all our musical skills to learn the recorder. 

Being Tuneful means "I can sing tunes in my head and uses my best singing voice to express them."

Being Beatful means "I can feel and move to the steady beat."

Being Artful means "I can feel the music and show my emotions with my body."

(See 3-4 link above)

Check out this cool website to practice note names for the Treble Clef:

This is the website we use for practicing reading and creating rhythms and note values:

