
Andrew Yates


Andy Yates leads the Genomics Technology Infrastructure team, which provides technical development and production capacity for the Ensembl and DECIPHER projects. Andy joined EMBL-EBI in 2006 and has developed production infrastructure and databases for Integr8, Ensembl and Ensembl Genomes which he was a founding member of the resource in 2008. He became a team leader in 2015 and now serves as joint-PI for the Ensembl project. Since 2017, Andy has led the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health workstream Genomic Knowledge Standards and has steered the development of three standards; refget, Variation Representation Specification and Service Info. His background is in Pharmacology and he holds a MSc in Bioinformatics from the University of Manchester.

Paolo Di Tommaso


Paolo Di Tommaso is the CTO and co-founder of Seqera Labs. He is a computer scientist with a strong interest in high-throughput scientific computing, data-intensive applications, parallel programming, cloud computing and containerisation technologies. He has broad experience as a software engineer and software architect in life science and healthcare applications. He is an open-source advocate and the creator and maintainer of the Nextflow workflow system.

Nuno Saraiva-Agostinho


Nuno Saraiva-Agostinho is a Scientific Programmer at Ensembl, EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute developing open-source software to manage open-access biological data that benefits the research community.

His curiosity for bioinformatics first sparked during the programming lessons in his Bachelor in Molecular and Cellular Biology (Faculty of Sciences and Technology, New University of Lisbon, Portugal). To complement his biological knowledge, he delved deeper into computer science with a Master in Informatics (Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal). He recently finished his PhD in Bioinformatics (Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon, Portugal) with a focus on creating open-source web apps and R packages for alternative splicing analysis and visualisation. It was also during his PhD that he started to firmly believe that collaborative open data and intuitive open-source software is necessary to drive scientific progress, one of the reasons why he is now working as a Scientific Programmer in Ensembl (European Bioinformatics Institute, UK).

Nathan Cunningham


Nathan Cunningham is a Director of Platform Solutions at the Wellcome Sanger Institute. He is currently looking after the Pipeline Solutions portfolio on an interim basis. He has over 20 years of experience in research, IT and data, and senior management. He has held positions at various organisations, including the British Antarctic Survey, the Schmidt Ocean Institute, Norwich Bioscience Institutes (BBSRC) and the University of Sheffield. In his current role, he leads the digital infrastructure investments and platform solutions at the Wellcome Sanger Institute. He is also a Wellcome Sanger Institute’s senior leadership team member.

Cunningham's career has focused on developing and managing compex research and enterprise infrastructure and services for scientific research. He has a particular interest in big data and cloud computing, and has worked on a number of projects to develop and implement new technologies for data management and analytics.

Cunningham is also a strong advocate for open science and data sharing. He has worked on a number of projects to develop and implement open data policies and practices, and has published on the topic of data citation and publication.

In addition to his work in research IT and data management, Cunningham is also a member of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals and the BCS The Chartered Institute for IT. He is also a recipient of a number of research grants, including grants from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the Arts and Humanities Research Council, and the European Commission.

Martin Beracochea


Martin Beracochea embarked on his academic journey in 2011, earning a Bachelor's degree in Biology with a microbiology specialisation. This marked his first step into the world of microbial ecology. In 2012, he shifted gears toward software development in the private sector. In 2018, he obtained a Master's in Bioinformatics, focusing on developing bioinformatics tools for bacterial genomics. Since 2019, he has been part of the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), initially as a software developer in the Microbiome Informatics group until 2022. From 2022 onwards, he has taken on the role of Production technical lead for the MGnify project, which he will delve into further in his presentation.

Samuel Lambert


Sam Lambert is an Assistant Professor at the University of Cambridge in the Cardiovascular Epidemiology Unit of the Department of Public Health and Primary Care, and is a Visiting Researcher at EBI. Sam leads the development of the Polygenic Score (PGS) Catalog (www.PGSCatalog.org), and open database of PGS with the metadata required for accurate application and evaluation. Apart from the resource the PGS Catalog team focused on developing tools to make PGS easier to calculate and use (https://github.com/PGScatalog).

Disha Lodha


Disha Lodha is a Bioinformatician at Ensembl Metazoa with over 2 years of experience at EBI. Her work primarily revolves around data processing and integration using diverse bioinformatics workflows in collaboration with VEuPathDB. She thrives on the challenges this field offers and is dedicated to continually refining team workflows to provide a seamless experience for the scientific community. 

Disha completed her master's degree in Precision Medicine: Genomics and Analytics at the University of Leeds where she refined her analytical skills. 

Ksenia Krasheninnikova


Ksenia Krasheninnikova is bioinformatician at Tree of Life Assembly team in Wellcome Sanger Institute working on genome assemblies and Nextflow pipelines. 

Eerik Aunin


Eerik Aunin has a PhD in cell biology and an MSc in bioinformatics and has been working as a Senior Bioinformatician in the Wellcome Sanger Institute since 2018.

Damon-Lee B Pointon


Damon is a bioinformatician working in the Tree of Life Project. His main role is the creation of pipelines to aid and improve the manual curation of genomic assemblies.

Batuhan Cakir


Priyanka Surana


Priyanka is a Principal Bioinformatician working in the Tree of Life Project, where she oversees Nextflow development and BIOSCAN data reporting. Additionally, she also facilitates the Workflows Community on the Wellcome Genome Campus.

Harshil Patel


Harshil Patel is Head of Scientific Development at Seqera Labs, leading a team of bioinformaticians to help Seqera's customers by streamlining their usage of Nextflow and nf-core pipelines via the adoption of Nextflow Tower. The team works on many facets in the company including pipeline development, partnerships, product evaluation and testing, as well as extensive contributions to the Nextflow and nf-core open source projects.

He holds a PhD in Bioinformatics from Oxford Brookes University, UK. Before joining Seqera Labs in 2021, Harshil worked as a Senior Bioinformatician at The Francis Crick Institute and Cancer Research UK in London. He has over 10 years experience primarily in the field of genomics which is exemplified by being a named author on over 40 peer-reviewed publications. It was through this work that Harshil became involved in the Nextflow project and has since gone on to co-lead the maintenance and evolution of the nf-core community. He has contributed 8 nf-core pipelines including nf-core/rnaseq, nf-core/atacseq, nf-core/fetchngs and nf-core/viralrecon which are amongst the most widely used Nextflow pipelines worldwide. He is passionate about bioinformatics in general, as well as the application of powerful tools like Nextflow to improve the way we do science.

Matthieu Muffato


Matthieu Muffato leads the Informatics Infrastructure team of the Tree of Life programme at the Wellcome Sanger Institute, who oversees the implementation of assembly and analysis pipelines for biodiversity projects.

Matiss Ozols


Matiss is a distinguished researcher, bioinformatician, and software engineer at the Wellcome Sanger Institute. With a PhD focused on medicine, and bioinformatics, he's renowned for his pioneering development of analytics pipelines for identification of skin aging biomarkers, resulting in multiple patents. Proficient in various programming languages, Matiss excels in analyzing intricate biological datasets, from scRNA to proteomics. His primary expertise encompasses pipeline development, machine learning, deep learning, and multi-omics studies in human genetics, transcriptomics and proteomics.

Likhitha Surapaneni


Likhitha is a bioinformatics developer supporting variation annotations for Ensembl.

Simon Pearce


Simon is a Principal Bioinformatician at the Cancer Research UK Cancer Biomarker Centre, primarily working on detecting and subtyping cancer from blood samples. He is a member of the Maintainers team on nf-core and a Nextflow Ambassador.

Peter Clapham

Peter leads the Informatics Support Group (ISG) which provides the high performance compute (HPC) environments for Sangers scientific research teams. Our team investigates new and upcoming technical solutions that will drive our HPC platforms for tomorrow. In this way we can continue to keep abreast of the research challenges presented.