
to Mrs. Sotl's Counselor Corner

On this page you will find access to Mrs. Sotl's counseling resources. You can use the digital calm down corner, do additional social emotional lessons or access Mrs. Sotl's digital library to hear stories. You can also use this page to schedule a meeting or a check in from Mrs. Sotl. Follow the tabs above to find what you are looking for!

Hello Families!

I am so excited and looking forward to working with you and your child(ren) this school year! I understand how entering this upcoming school year can be causing uncertain and uncomfortable feelings for many of us. Please know that I am here to help and support along the entire way. I am hopeful about our new school year even though we have had to make changes and adjustments due to regulations and distance learning. We are going to have a great year!!

I am fully committed to supporting your students during distance learning and if/when we return to in-person learning. Please keep in touch with any questions or concerns you have. I check my phone and email during school hours (7:30AM-3:00PM) Monday-Friday and do my best to respond to all communication within 24 hours (excluding weekends). I welcome any and all feedback. Please feel free to contact me for any reason at all.

Cloud Dough Recipe

This is a simple activity to do with the kids at home and will be a great fidget for them as they work to focus on schoolwork! Let me know if you try it!

  • 2 cups cornstarch

  • 1 cup baby lotion

  • Food coloring, optional

In a bowl, mix together the cornstarch and baby lotion until combined.

Separate and add food coloring to make different colored dough, optional.


Tips for Homeschool Homework Time

If you notice your student having difficulty sitting still to complete homework, here’s a couple of tips:

1. Make sure they are getting plenty of breaks (help them learn to set a timer for work time and then break time)

a. For Kinder – 2nd grade, they should be getting up and moving about every 10-15 minutes for about 2-5 minutes

b. For 3rd-5th, they can manage working for around 20-25 minutes before getting up for a 5 minute break

c. 6th grade on up to adults, getting up every 25 minutes is extremely beneficial for work productivity

· You know your child best and will be able to recognize what his/her maximum capacity for work time is in one sitting

2. Create a “fidget” box to store all helpful tools for this – fidgets can help people stay focused and maintain attention during work time

a. For children, you may need to teach them how to properly use the fidget during work time (ex. A squishy ball to hold and squeeze and not to throw in the air or bounce on the table or floor)

b. Ideas for fidgets that you might already have in your home: squishy ball, small stuffed toy to sit in the lap, chewing gum (look for gum without sugar), small set of old unused keys on a ring, let them color or draw while listening to a story

3. Here’s a DIY Homework Fidget Tool (from OT Toolbox) that you can make with your child:

You’ll need just a couple of materials to create this DIY fidget tool:

· Craft stick

· Pipe Cleaner

· Beads

· Tape

· Rubber band (optional)


1. Cut a pipe cleaner to fit the length of a craft stick, including bending both ends over to the reverse side of the craft stick

2. Slide several beads onto the pipe cleaner. Then, bend both ends of the pipe cleaner over the ends of the stick.

3. Attach the ends with a strip of tape over the length of the pipe cleaner that is bent down the backside of the craft stick. At this point, you can wrap rubber bands around each end of the craft stick to secure the pipe cleaner. You will want to cover the rubber bands (or just tape around the end of the craft stick if you omitted the rubber bands).