ETMS Library

Destiny Library Catalog

24/7 access to library catalog and your account. Click on the link above to manage your account: search the library catalog, place books on hold, and check due dates

Ebooks and Audiobooks

24/7 access to a digital library collection. Sign in using your school Google account. We are part of the Wisconsin School Digital Library Consortium listed as East Troy Community Schools.

You may read on a computer or download books to your phone using the Sora App.

For help logging in the first time, watch this 4 minute video.

For a how to video on highlighting, note taking and bookmarking, watch this video.

Library Staff

262-642-6740 ext 4500

Mrs. Tracey Gross Library Aide - Mon, Wed, Fri

Ms Anna Harteau IMC Director 262-642-6760 ext 5501

If you'd like a book the library doesn't have, try Sora or send Ms Harteau an email requesting the library buy the book. Please include the title and author in your email.