Tests are available by request.

ESUHSD Covid Aministrator -  Contact Mike Do at the District Office

ESUHSD COVID Hotline = COVID19Line@esuhsd.org

There are no longer ANY Covid quarantine requirements nor any paid Covid leave.

I Have Covid - What Do I Do?


All Covid absences are now marked and recorded the same as any other illness

What To Do Summary: Email covid19line@esuhsd.org, Mr. Kleckner, and Angelica.  Include a photo of the positive test.  Put your absence into the sub system as sick leave and do not come to school.  HR will follow up with quarantine information, and the absences will be changed to COVID-leave if appropriate.  Quarantine duration is 5 days from the day of the positive test.  If you test negative after the 5th day and are feeling better provide a photo of the negative test to HR. Report back to school.  If you test positive, it's another 5 days of quarantine.  Please plan to provide lesson plans if you are out.


I got COVID! What Do I Do?

STAY HOME!  Notify the covid hotline and use the system to put in for a sub for 5 days. Follow the steps on the Decision Tree above. After 5 days and/or symptoms are gone test again. Share the results with Kyle, Angelica and Mike Do. If negative - return to work. If positive - send that too and remain at home another 5 days.

Where can I get tests?

Main Office Conference Room (between principal's office and mailboxes) 

How do the tests work? 

The tests are self-administered via a mouth swab.  There is a box in the conference room with bags containing instructions/swabs.  Take one bag and read the instructions carefully.  All items from the baggie (instructions, swab, wrapper, etc) must be returned to the testing bag.  Once you have collected your sample, the testing bag is then dropped into the secure dropbox.  

Who do I go to if I have questions about testing? 

Any of the four administrators (Kyle, Shelby David, Namrata) or Angelica Rosette, principal's secretary. 

or Mike Do at the District Office

All data is confidential and secured under the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and test results will be shared only with ESUHSD and the California Department of Public Health. Our agreement with Machaon explicitly states that Machaon will not sell, share, transfer or use any District employee’s DNA. - per Funk email 10/28