What is Sensations XD?

Middle school students need an exploratory and challenging activity which integrates our curriculum.

Sensations-XD is a unique extra-curricular activity which focuses on promoting:

  • life skills
  • citizenship skills
  • behavior management
  • effective communication skills
  • teamwork skills
  • problem solving / deductive reasoning skills
  • time management
  • fiscal responsibility / budgeting
  • personal responsibility

Furthermore, students will expand their knowledge in geography, language arts, mathematics, science and social studies. Sensations-XD, at the conclusion of the eight (8) Sensational Saturday Enrichment Classes, puts into practice the knowledge and skills gained through a field experience to the Walt Disney World Resort and participating in a Digital/Cultural Scavenger Hunt, Youth Education Series Class focusing on Physics and unique group activities clustered around the Indiana State Standards. These scientific skills/concepts include:

  • The Scientific Method
  • Bernoulli's Principle
  • Newton’s Laws of Motion
  • Potential v Kinetic Energy
  • Distance v Displacement
  • Centripetal Force
  • Acceleration, Speed, Velocity and Inertia
  • Deductive Reasoning
  • Hydraulics v Pneumatics

Why Disney?

Walt Disney’s vision was to educate people about the world around them. The Walt Disney World Resorts offer a vast creative, natural, scientific, and cultural resource that makes it a unique field experience destination:

  • visit 11 countries in one day
  • see all the Presidents of the United States come to life
  • walk through a tropical rainforest
  • take an up-close look at the fascinating world of marine environments.
  • learn about the world of science, social studies, language arts and mathematics through informative, idea-sparking, facilitated field experiences.

Disney’s Youth Education Series (Y.E.S.) takes students on an academic journey through utilization of thought-provoking information, hands-on experiences, that involve students in the learning process.

This multi-curriculum learning adventure allows our students to understand that our constantly changing universe is defined by the past, influenced by our relationships with other cultures and creatures, and transformed by technologies.

This field experience will transform words, pictures, and formulas from our classrooms and enrichment classes into unforgettable experiences that will spark new directions of thinking and ignite the imagination of our students.

Who Is Eligible To Be In Sensations XD?

Any student in Grade 8 will is eligible if they meet the following conditions:

  • Express a SINCERE interest in learning:
    • Effective Communication
    • Teamwork Skills
    • Physics
  • Can RAISE the amount of their trip (price known in March of 7th Grade year) through fund raising or other means.
  • Are NOT a behavior problem.
    • Students are on a Behavior Contract from the start of the 4th Quarter of their 7th Grade year until day of departure for the trip.
      • Can have only one (1) detention: either lunch or after-school.
        • On the second detention...automatic removal from the classes and the field experience!
      • No Friday Schools or Suspensions!---Automatic removal from the field experience!
    • If someone adds after the 4th Quarter, their behavior will be checked backed to the date of the start of the 4th Quarter...IT IS ONLY FAIR!
  • Will complete ALL lab work to the best of their ability and turn it in by the due date.
      • Failure to turn in a lab will result in your child being automatically removed from Sensations XD!

  • Ambassadors for Sensations XD must maintain a minimum grade level
    • Ambassadors may not have any grade lower than a C- in any grading period.
      • Not semester average
      • 9 week grades
    • If student has any grades lower than a C-, they will be put on probation.
    • If after the next grading period, any grades are less than a C-, then that student will be removed.
      • Regardless of what classes
      • This could be two different classes
    • Students will not (and should not) be permitted to miss 5 school days if they have sub-par grades.

  • Ambassadors for Sensations XD must maintain good attendance at school
    • Begins the 1st Day of their 8th Grade year and runs to the time we leave for the Field Experience!
      • No full or 1/2 day unexcused absences
        • Ambassadors need to be in school all the time
          • If a student has a exceeding high number of full day excused absences, it will be the call of the Principal to determine status.
      • No more than six (6) total tardies all year for all classes!
        • Ambassadors need to get to class on time!

What's Included In The Price Of The Trip?

The cost of the field experience is finalized during March of the students 7th Grade year and includes:

  • Round Trip Air from either Indianapolis International or Midway to Orlando International
  • All Ground Transportation to and from Airports and at Disney
  • 6 Nights / 5 Days at Disney's Pop Century Resort
  • 5-Day Park Ticket and Y.E.S. Class
  • 7 Sensational Saturday Enrichment Classes
  • 7 Sensations T-Shirts
  • Over 70 Hours of Educational Activities Outside of Normal School Day
  • Memories to Last a Life-Time!