The Rockathon at Eyer

Upcoming Meetings

  • Wednesday, January 8th
  • Thursday, January 16th
    • At both meetings we will be discussing rules, fundraising, activities, money turn-in with envelopes, guidelines, etc. It is extremely important that you attend both meetings! Thanks.

Special Activities and Schedule at a Glance

At our next Rockathon meeting on Wednesday, December 8th we are going to have you sign-up for special activities and make a schedule for taking shifts in the rocking chair. This schedule is not written in stone, but we find it leads to less conflict if you think about what activities you most want to do, and work this out with your team in advance.

Some of the activities, like cooking sessions, have a strict limit for how many kids can participate. If no one from your team wants to do the cooking session, then no one should sign up for the cooking session during our meeting. This way we’ll have more spots for kids that want to do the limited activities.

You are going to have to make some compromises and try to work as a team. If all of you want to participate in the 3-on-3 tournament, someone is going to have to step up and rock instead. On Wednesday we’re going to ask you to work together, sign up for activities, and work out a rocking schedule.

In general, the first half of the night is filled with special activities, while sports tournaments take place after midnight in the gym.

Between now and Wednesday, please think of the activities that you would most want to do:

Cooking Class in FCS (1 per team each session, strict limit)

Session 1: 8:30-9:30

Session 2: 9:30-10:30

Yoga in Auditorium (1 per team each session, strict limit)

Session 1: 8:30-9:00

Session 2: 9:15-9:45

Zumba in Gym (1 per team each session, but can have more)

Session 1: 8:45-9:15

Session 2: 9:30-10:00

Hip Hop in Auditorium (1 per team each session, but can have more)

Session 1: 10:00-11:00

Session 2: 11:00-12:00

Painting Class in Art Room (1 per team each session, strict limit)

Session 1: 12:00-1:00

Session 2: 1:00-2:00

Events you do NOT need to sign up for in advance will take place at the following times:

Photo booth (9:00 -12:00)

Dance in gym (10:00 - 12:00)

3 on 3 bball in gym (12:00 - 1:30)

Soccer in gym (2:00 - 3:30)

Dodgeball in gym ( 4:30 - 6:30)

Movies in auditorium (2:00 - 6:30)

Parent Volunteer & Food Sign Ups

Rockathon Teams

The following teams were successful in the interviews and will be participating in the rockathon. Our first meeting will be on Wednesday, November 20th, during 9th period in the cafeteria. It is a priority to attend this meeting, as we will be reviewing fundraising information and guidelines.

  1. Big Baller Brand
  2. The Wild Deck
  3. Elite 8
  4. Candy Rockers
  5. Magnificent Musicians
  6. Ten Things
  7. Rocking the Waves
  8. Dandy Candy
  9. Seven Rocking Dwarves
  10. Where we Droppin’?
  11. A Team
  12. Super Squad
  13. EMS Rockers
  14. The Broskis
  15. Winter Wonderland
  16. Pac-Mania
  17. The Iconic Friends
  18. Peanuts
  19. Pizza Planet
  20. Microsoft Tech Support
  21. Spice Girls
  22. The Harry Potter Express
  23. Think Pink
  24. Allstars
  25. Rockin’ around Food
  26. Rocking in the USA
  27. Country Crew
  28. Rocking Rookies
  29. Fast Food Gang
  30. Rockin’ the Waves
  31. Animal Squad
  32. The Exterminators
  33. United Nations
  34. The Carebears
  35. Flex Tape
  36. The Krabby Kids

What is the Rockathon?

The rockathon is a fundraising event at Eyer Middle School that supports the Justin W. Jennings Foundation. The event takes place on Friday, January 17th at 7:30 PM and ends Saturday morning at 7 AM. The students work in teams to keep a rocking chair rocking the entire time. While the students are not rocking they may join in many of the events that are taking place around the school, such as dodgeball tournaments, karate, zumba, etc. Students fundraise ahead of the event and all pledges are combined to make one donation from Eyer Middle School. Our goal is to make a difference in the lives of others. The more we raise, the more we can donate.

What is our cause?

The Justin W. Jennings Foundation operates a beautiful beach house in Bethany Beach, DE. The foundation provides beach vacations to families in the region who are faced with the stress and hardship of dealing with cancer. Please visit to learn more about this cause.

Over the past seven years, the Eyer Rock-a-thon has raised over $140,000. We can't wait to see what we can do this year!

IMPORTANT PROCEDURE FOR MEDICAL NEEDS: Don't worry about this until teams are confirmed

  1. We will have a nurse at the event.
  2. If your child needs to take medication, please read the note below from our school nurse, Jenna Chromiak, as to how this procedure needs to be handled.
  3. Please make sure to have medication needs submitted to her prior to winter break, unless your child is put on medication after that time period. Thank you for your cooperation.

As indicated in medication procedures for all students, the following applies:

Medication, both prescribed and over-the-counter, may not be brought to school unless absolutely necessary. If it is crucial for a child to take medication during the event, these guidelines must be followed:

1. Please contact school nurse before winter break, only if your child requires a medication to be administered, in order for proper arrangements to be made.

2. Students are NOT permitted to possess prescription or over-the-counter medication at any time during the school day or at school activities/functions.

3. Students are permitted to carry asthma inhalers or Epi-pens with written authorization from the authorized prescriber, the parent/guardian, and the school nurse.

4. An adult must deliver and pick up the medication.

5. Medications may only be dispensed by nurse.

6. All medication must come to school in the originally prescribed container.

7. A prescriber’s authorization is not required for administration of commonly used over-the-counter medications approved by the school physician. Contact school nurse if you are unsure if your child’s medication is on the approved list.

Notice to Parent Volunteers:

If you are planning to chaperone the Rock-a-thon year, please call the pupil personnel services (610-965-1600) at the administration building and ask if your clearances are still active. If they are not active and you would like to volunteer, you need to apply for your clearances again.

Follow this link for information about obtaining your clearances: