What does my grade mean?

Students receive grades on their report cards for Art, Music, and HWF starting in 4th grade.  In art, the students are graded based on their projects during the trimester and also receive a combined score for classroom participation, effort, and behavior. Below you will the find the grading standards and scale.   

Demonstrates growth in artistic skills and knowledge

C - Consistently

Student demonstrates the lesson skills. An understanding of skills, concepts, and media are shown.

Student independently demonstrates:

O - Occasionally

Students demonstrates lesson skills but needs instructional support to complete all the desired skills.

Student with support demonstrates:

R - Rarely

Student is NOT yet able to demonstrate lesson skills with significant instructional support; the skill requires further practice.

Student with support is NOT able to demonstrate:

Demonstrates respectful citizenship and participates with enthusiasm

C - Consistently

O - Occasionally

R - Rarely