Meet Mrs. Zappile

Dear Jefferson Families,

I am very excited for the 2023-2024 school year!

 My goal for the year is to make sure your child feels comfortable and is successful in both academic and social skills.  

Here is a list of 10 things about me. What would you put on your list? 

Love,  Mrs. Zappile  🤩

Getting to Know Mrs. Zappile

1.  Favorite colors: red and blue.

2.  Favorite movie: Finding Nemo. 

3.  Favorite superhero: Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel.

4. Favorite place to read: my back porch and on my red chair in my family room

    Favorite place to build and create: on the floor

    Favorite place to write and color: my dining room table

5. Favorite candy: something gluten free

6. This is my 20th year teaching. I also taught 2nd grade, kindergarten, 1st grade (one year remote)

7. Favorite food: popcorn.

8. Favorite books: Elephant and Piggie (by Mo Willems).

9. If I had a superpower, I would want to be able to stretch (like Elastigirl from The Incredibles).

10. I enjoy spending time with my family, watching movies, working in my garden, playing games, dancing, coloring, reading, learning about being an even better teacher, swimming, writing in my journal, doing science investigations, making crafts, solving math challenges, playing with play-doh, being kind to others, and so much more!