
Checkout Policies

Books that are checked out are due back on the student's next library day which is typically in a week.  For example, books that are checked out on a day 1 are due back on the next day 1.  Students who have overdue books will not be allowed to check out new books until the overdue books are returned.  Students do not have to wait until their library day to get new books - they can check out new books any time the library is open.

Kindergarten may check out one book at a time, 1st grade may check out two books at a time, and 2nd-5th grade may check out three books at a time.

Books can be renewed as often as needed unless there is a long waiting list (i.e., Minecraft books or LEGO books).  Books for research projects or book reports do not need to be brought to the library to be renewed every week.