East Penn School District Homework Guidelines


We believe that homework is a valuable component of the total learning process. Consistent, conscientious attention to homework assignment should be a priority for East Penn School District teachers, students and parents.

Therefore, the East Penn School District has developed homework guidelines that are designed to…

1. Identify the purposes of homework and define different types of homework that may be assigned.

2. Provide consistency in assigning and administering homework.

3. Outline the roles and responsibilities of teachers, students and parents in assigning and completing homework.

Definition, Purposes and Benefits of Homework

Homework is defined as any out-of-class tasks that are assigned as extensions of classroom work. Different types of homework may be given depending on the purposes set by the teacher. The types of homework assigned are related to a student’s grade level, the major topics being studied in class and individual student need. Often, all students enrolled in a class will receive the same homework. It is possible, however, that not everyone in a class will always receive the same homework. Some assignments may be directed to meet the specific skill levels and/or needs of individual students.

Several types of homework are listed and described below:

  • Preparation – Preparation homework is assigned to help prepare students for upcoming instruction by providing requisite background information. It should not be assigned for skills assessment.
  • Practice - Practice homework is assigned to reinforce basic skills and concepts learned in class.
  • Extension – Extension homework is assigned to have students apply and analyze previously learned information and/or information presented in class.
  • Creative – Creative homework is assigned to have students think critically about an issue and to engage in problem solving by integrating and applying acquired skills/knowledge.

In addition to the specific benefits students acquire from the types of homework described above, there are other collateral benefits from completing homework assignments. These benefits include…

  • Developing students’ independent work habits and organizational skills.
  • Developing students’ responsibilities for completing work on time.
  • Providing a vehicle for parents to become familiar with their child’s class work and to gauge how well their child understands material that has been presented.
  • Serving as a catalyst for informal discussions at home about what is being learned in school.

EPSD policy reference: Policy no. 130

Homework Roles and Responsibilities

In order for students to receive the maximum benefits from completing assigned homework, teachers, students and parents must assume important roles and responsibilities. The major Roles and Responsibilities of teachers, parents, and students are listed below.

Teacher’s Roles and Responsibilities

1. Know and understand the East Penn School District’s Homework Guidelines.

2. Plan homework that is consistent with the needs and abilities of students.

3. Inform students of homework expectations and make certain that students understand the assignments given.

4. Make certain that students are able to access materials and other resources for completing homework assignments.

5. Assign for reinforcement or for instructional purposes, not for disciplinary reasons.

6. Work with colleagues to ensure that homework expectations are reasonable with regard to the total amount required of students who may be assigned work from several teachers.

(Note: A general guideline for total average time spent per night on homework for all subjects is the student’s grade level times 10 minutes. Students enrolled in Honors and/or Advanced Placement courses may spend more time on homework than this average.)

7. Return any collected homework to students within a reasonable time period, and offer written or verbal feedback on the accuracy/quality of the students’ work.

8. Homework given at the elementary level will not be graded. Report Card grades must reflect the student’s grasp of the content and/or skills presented as demonstrated in the classroom. Teachers in grades 2-5 can note student performance on homework by marking the appropriate performance level under Skills for Successful Learners on the Report Card.

9. Promptly notify parents of a student whose homework is habitually late, missing, incomplete and/or consistently reflects a lack of understanding of the work required.

Note: Failure to do homework is not to be considered “student misconduct” as defined by discipline codes in the secondary schools.

Students’ Roles and Responsibilities

1. Know and understand the East Penn School District’s Homework Guidelines and the teacher’s specific homework expectations and procedures.

2. Record/remember homework assignments.

3. Ask the teacher for further direction/clarification if the homework assignment is not initially understood.

4. Establish a consistent time and place to complete homework assignments.

5. Obtain the necessary materials and other resources to complete homework assignments.

6. Complete and check homework to the best of one’s ability. Completing homework is an individual student’s responsibility unless otherwise directed by the teacher. Thus, students are expected to do their own homework.

7. Submit homework on time.

8. Arrange with the teacher to make up required assignments that may be missed due to absence or other reasons.

Parent’s Roles and Responsibilities

1. Know and understand the East Penn School District’s Homework Guidelines.

2. Support the school’s efforts to teach students the value of doing homework and of developing responsible, regular study habits.

3. Assist your child in arranging a regular time and place for completing homework.

4. Take an interest in your child’s assignments and the topics being studied, but only give help that enables your child to clarify misunderstandings. Students should usually do homework with as little adult/peer assistance as possible. Some homework assignments may require peer interaction.

5. Monitor the amount of time your child spends on homework. Notify your child’s teacher(s) regarding any problems with time, difficulty or progress.


Whenever students are absent from school and a request is made for homework, the following guidelines should be followed:

1. Teachers should be notified by noon that homework will be picked up for the absent child that day.

2. Teachers should not expect students to complete every missed assignment during an absence. It’s the teacher’s responsibility to ensure that the student has an understanding of the concepts missed upon his/her return.


In the event that texts, library books, calculators, etc. are lost or destroyed, payment from the child’s parent/caregiver will be required.