Welcome to the Sapphire Team Website!
Work for the week of February 10 - 14:
The Sapphire team teachers keep this Google Doc updated throughout the week so you can see exactly what work you will need to complete and turn in each day!
This is the most current week's work list. For older assignments from past weeks, see the Archived Assignments section of this site!

Space Escape 2025!
Woo hoo! 13 teams were successful in stopping the virus, saving us from an unfortnate meeting with the planet Jupiter! There are several options to complete this activity:
Members of Sapphire with work left to complete will be given their booklets on Tuesday, February 11. Work can be completed and handed in until Friday, February 14.
If your team almost finished (denoted by a green check), you you can complete the escape in the library after school on Monday, February 10.
If your team completed the escape (denoted by a gold star in the slides), you can work on the Secret Mission in the library after school on Monday, February 10.
During our last vacation, Dexter and Mr. L attended a NASA Junior Astronaut Program!
Someone pressed a red button they thought said "Lunch", and the two Junior Astonauts ended up stranded on the International Space Station!
Sapphire Galleria d' Art!
Current Exhibit: "Do you want to build a snowman?" Sapphire students selected an outline and then created these works of art! Here are the pieces selected to be featured in the frames of our hallway art gallery!
Artists: Kylie, Aiden T,
Ash, Arrayah
Artists: Frankie, Mikaela,
Livi, Nora
Artists: Masin M, Jake,
Aidan S, Gabe
Artists: Lauren C, Lyla,
Josephine, Bianca
Sapphire Birthdays!
Zia 2/7
Will 2/9
Grace 2/9
Luis 2/25
Rose 2/27
Brody 2/28
Andrew 2/29
Jackson 2/29
Mason M 3/1
Lily 3/1
Elyse 3/4
Frankie 3/13
Isha 3/13