Grading Policy

Here is a breakdown of my grading policy.

I have 3 sections that work will fall under

  • Tests/Quizzes

  • Daily Work

  • Homework

All assignments are weighted the same. Tests and Quizzes will be counted twice in the gradebook.

Late Work

In accordance with district policy, 10 POINTS will be taken off every day that a paper is late.

Makeup work from being absent is not included in this, UNLESS the student does not turn in the makeup work on the due date given by myself.


If a student fails a unit test, they have the opportunity to retest. I will reteach first then they will take the test again. Students are only allowed to retest once. A 70 is the highest grade that can be made on a retest. After the retest has been taken, if both tests (the original and retest) are failing grades, the higher of the two grades will be put in the gradebook.

Procedure if more than 50% of students fail a test

The following is from the district grading policy. "The teacher shall re-teach and retest the class. The teacher shall record the higher of the two grades earned for the student being retested with no penalty assessed and the higher of the two grades being awarded. Re-assessment should occur within one week (5 days) of the original assessment."