Home Learning

Flourish in life

Eastern High Home Learning Guidance

Below are key extracts from our Home Learning policy which will give you a brief overview of what to expect, how to access the work and what to do if you are experiencing difficulties.

If you would like to view our full policy you can acces it here: Eastern High Home Learning Policy

How will students carry on with their learning?

During periods of full lockdown our school will continue to provide learning to students through Google Classroom.

Students will be expected to follow their normal lesson timetable although the timing of the day will change slightly to allow for more breaks between lessons as it can be difficult to sit at a computer all day.

A copy of the timetable is provided below , students can print or save to their Google Drive and populate it with their lessons. If they do not remember their timetable they can access it through their class charts login. If you still require support on this please get in contact with the school.

Where pupils have to isolate or are on a reduced timetable we will continue to upload resources and assignments to their Google Classroom that will mirror what other pupils are currently doing in school so they can continue with their studies.

What will the students be doing?

Our teachers will be providing 3 types of lesson formats through Google Classroom

  1. Extended Activity/Project for approximately 4 lessons that pupils will complete independently.

  • The teacher will arrange a *Google Meet at the start of each lesson to go through the activity/project and/or review where they are up to. The teacher is there to set expectations, introduce the topic or work for the lesson and answer any questions at the start of the lesson.

  • Teachers are not expected to stay on the Google Meet for the full duration of the session however, during the lesson the teacher will be checking their email/stream regularly for any questions that come up from students.

  • At the end of the lesson, the teacher could arrange another live session to review progress and prepare students for next steps (The teacher may set some additional homework).

  1. Learning Activity which pupils will take at least 50 minutes to complete independently.

  • Teachers will arrange a Google Meet to go through the activity and explain how they want pupils to complete it.

  • During the session the teacher may wish to return back to or arrange another Google meet to conduct a mini plenary/check progress.

  • At the end of the lesson, teachers may wish to return back to or arrange another Google Meet to conduct a plenary. Pupils to 'turn in' work immediately after the activity or respond on the stream or through a Google form.

  1. A directed lesson with a task which pupils and teacher will go through collaboratively and last a full 50 minutes. This could be an opportunity to use online tools such as Padlet or Kahoot, work on sheets and slides together and engage pupils more in their learning.

  • The Teacher will arrange a Google meet to go through the entire lesson and engage pupils through mini reviews.

*A Google Meet is a virtual live lesson that the students can access through their Google Classroom. They will be in real time and timetabled during the students timetabled day, please see the lockdown timetable for guidance on timings. Students should refer to their timetable and check their Google Classroom so they know when they are being held. More information on this is in the Student Guide.

How will the students access their work?

Students will access their work through Google Classroom. Students have been provided their login details and have been familiarised with the process in school. If you are experiencing difficulty logging into the Google classroom then please refer to the videos below or follow the steps outlined in the student guide. Alternatively contact the school using the email info@easternhigh.org.uk and someone will be in touch.

Student Guide

Here is a link to the student guide that has been emailed to each pupil. The guide explains how to organise their day, where to find their work, how to complete the assignments and what to do if they are experiencing difficulties. We would advise that you take the time to go through the guide and ensure that your child fully understands the expectations that have been laid out.

Student Home Learning Guide

Parent Guide to help your child Log on

Lockdown Timetable

Lockdown Timetable

Additional Support Material

There is a comprehensive list of additional support materials here that students could use to help with their learning at home. There is also guidance on how to use GCSE POD.

Additionally every pupil in school has access to two eBook sites so that they can read at home.

Both links are on the student dashboard. The login details can be found below. Students in Year 7,8 & 9 can also quiz on their books at home as part of the Accelerated Reader scheme (something that previously was only possible in school).

Students will need their username and password for each of the sites but if they do not know these then please ask them to contact their Learning Family Tutor, Mr. Emery (the librarian) or their House Achievement Leader (HAL) for support.


https://www.myon.co.uk/ - Best for short, easy to read full colour books.

Type Eastern on the homepage and select Eastern High.

Wheelers ePlatform

https://easternhigh.wheelers.co/ - Best for big name books, Harry Potter, David Walliams etc..

Quizzing on Books (AR)

https://ukhosted70.renlearn.co.uk/2233650/ - Use this specific link or the one on student dashboard as otherwise it won't work.

Any questions or problems, please contact jemery@easternhigh.org.uk

There is also a list of additional support material through websites that the school regularly use in lessons which students may be familiar with. You will find links to these on the Additional resources page

How might your day look when learning at home?

Follow the link below to look at a diary log of what a students day might be like when learning at home through Google Classroom.

A day in the life of a home learner

Pupils who need wellbeing support/guidance

The House Support Officers/Managers and the Safeguarding Team will operate online wellbeing support/guidance during the school week. During this time they will monitor emails and will respond within 24 hours.

The email addresses and roles for staff are below:

Deputy Headteacher in charge of Wellbeing and Ethos - Ms. Cowan - scowan@easternhigh.org.uk

Additional Learning Needs Co-Ordinator (ALNCo) - Miss Phillips - cphillips@easternhigh.org.uk

Wellbeing Officer - Mrs. Raynor - lraynor@easternhigh.org.uk

All Houses Manager - Mrs. Griffiths - lgriffiths@easternhigh.org.uk

All Houses Manager - Mr. Bishop - gbishop@easternhigh.org.uk

The House Support Officers will probably know the students needs best as they work with them on a daily basis.

Ty Coch House Support Officer - Mrs. Hawkins - chawkins@easternhigh.org.uk

Ty Glas House Support Officer - Ms. Hamber - jhamber@easternhigh.org.uk

Ty Gwyrdd House Support Officer - Ms. Harrop - nharrop@easternhigh.org.uk

Ty Melyn - House Support Officer - Miss Irwin - cirwin@easternhigh.org.uk

Parental and pupil support

Please see our Wellbeing Support Centre which provides information, websites and online support from other agencies to support pupils with their emotional and mental health.

If you require additional advice or support on the information provided or home learning then please contact cjohnson@easternhigh.org.uk