IoT Microbit Tutorials

Welcome to the EarthEd IoT Tutorials for micro:bit . Clicking one of the below images will open an interactive tutorial where you can learn how to create code and use a GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) shield to operate some of the many sensors and devices that can connect to a micro:bit computer.

The BBC micro:bit computer

GPIO Board

Connect, download code and test your micro:bit

Use input/output pins to control a fan (with optional relay control)

Use variables to control a servo motor
Use a boolean operator to make an LED light shine
Record and display temperature and/or humidity
Display text using the OLED screen
Measure Light
Detect Movement
Detect a Crash
Measure Distance
Measure Soil Moisture
Detect Water Level

Advanced concepts to try when you are feeling confident.

A fundamental idea in IoT, is the sharing of data between devices.

Connect two micro:bit computers and send 'Chat' messages between them. Use this idea to share data and trigger events in other devices.

In an IoT system such as a smart home, a series of devices interact with each other to automate everyday tasks.

Create multiple interacting systems, that leverage sensors to collect and share data with other devices. How would these make life easier?