Capturing Kids' Hearts: Leadworthy Character Curriculum

August/September – Leadworthy Character Trait: EMPATHY
Empathy is understanding and feeling what others are experiencing. Students will build better relationships by recognizing and respecting the feelings of others. Empathy builds positive classroom culture, strengthens the community, and prepares students to be leaders in the community. Putting empathy into action looks like taking a different perspective, putting judgment aside, and communicating that you understand.
October – Leadworthy Character Trait: SELF-DIRECT
Self-direction focuses on leading yourself to who you want to be. Students will exercise self-control and demonstrate doing what is right, no matter who is watching or listening. Self-direction strengthens relationships, teaches personal responsibility, and helps us to regulate emotions. Putting self-direction into action looks like goal setting, action planning, self-assessing, reflecting, and evaluating.
November – Leadworthy Character Trait: TEAMWORK
Teamwork is working together to reach a goal. Students will understand the purpose of collaboration and demonstrate their understanding with their peers and community. Teamwork improves communication, builds interpersonal awareness, and celebrates diversity. Putting teamwork into action looks like referring to the group as a team, setting expectations, self-managing behavior, and using affirmations.
December – Leadworthy Character Trait: RESPONSIBILITY
Responsibility is owning your thoughts, words, and actions. Students will learn that when they do their part, they are helping themselves, their family, their school, and their community. Responsibility teaches resilience, empowers us to own our actions, and teaches us to manage our time and resources. Putting responsibility into action looks like giving students roles and responsibilities, empowering students with self-management tools, and clearly communicating consequences.
January – Leadworthy Character Trait: RESPECT
Respect is giving honor and value to ourselves and others. Students will demonstrate acts of goodwill toward themselves, others, and the community. Respect contributes to a positive culture, decreases conflict, and encourages empathy. Putting respect into action looks like teaching students words have power, creating opportunities for group decision-making and classroom sharing.
February – Leadworthy Character Trait: KINDNESS
Kindness is being appropriately friendly and compassionate to others. Students will learn to increase their desire to make themselves and others feel better. Kindness is self-replicating and boosts positive emotions. Kindness reduces stress and anxiety. Putting kindness into action looks like celebrating small things, creating opportunities for students to affirm each other, and modeling kindness regularly.
March – Leadworthy Character Trait: COURAGE
Courage is developing the strength to face something difficult. Students will develop skills that will equip them to overcome difficult, uncomfortable, and uncertain situations. Courage encourages engagement, builds self-confidence, and helps reframe a negative. Putting courage into action looks like providing leadership opportunities, encouraging discussion and debate, and celebrating failures.
April – Leadworthy Character Trait: PERSEVERANCE
Perseverance is giving extra effort to make it through to the end. Students will learn to apply and maintain effort while working toward a goal. Perseverance encourages positive self-talk and thinking, develops empathy, and sparks personal growth. Putting perseverance into action look like sharing stories and challenging experiences, praising effort, and giving students the chance to struggle.
May – Leadworthy Character Trait: INTEGRITY
Integrity is living with honesty and excellence. Students will learn the importance of honesty and trustworthiness in all situations, good or bad. Integrity generates trust and encourages self-assessment. Integrity is essential to leadership. Putting integrity into action looks like acknowledging and affirming acts with integrity, using scenarios and role plays, and creating a culture of accountability.
Integrity Family Newsletter (Primary Grades)

Integrity Family Newsletter (Secondary Grades)