
See what we have been doing at school!

Our PE day has changed!!!!

We will now have PE on Fridays. Please be sure to bring your PE kit with you to school.

Science Experiment

This past week we have created periscopes to explain how light travels and allows us to see. Want to know how? Just ask anyone from 6 Orange and they will be able to tell you!

London Buddhist Centre

To deepen our understanding of our RE topic in Buddhism, we visited the London Buddhist Centre. We asked plenty of questions about the story of the Four Sights. We also participated in a guided meditation and were able to listen to the silence in the room and relax.

Expert Visitor

During Science Week, we had a visit from Natalie Groves, a Bioinformatican and Genomist, who taught our class about recessive and dominant genes. We participated in a range of fun activities, including making our own monsters based on the DNA of their parents.

Nitto ATP Finals - Tennis Trip

Some of us in Year 6 got to go to the O2 to watch the Nitto ATP Finals for the day! We all loved learning more about the sport and the teamwork that is involved.

Maths Investigation

In Maths we investigated fractions. We used different food to separate into different fractions.

Art - Self-Portraits

We used our artistic skills to create self-portraits of ourselves. Can you guess who we are?

Our version of "The Journey" is in our classroom! Come and take a look at what we have written.