
Back at last!

It has been wonderful seeing all the children back in school again. They seem happy and are eager to continue learning

A BIG BIG THANK YOU to our parents for supporting your child during the time away from school

World Book Day & Week

March 1st- Friday 5th 2021

Floella Benjamin

Have you read any work by these 2 poets?

Michael Rosen

From stories heard about ballonists, it inspired us to make air balloons using string and paper plates. We were able to use our imaginations to describe where we would go if we went for a ride in a hot air balloon.

We each made book marks to help us when we are reading

Here is the display of our work in school

We have spent time listening to poems from a book called 'A Great Big Cuddle' and here are 2 of our favourite ones.

In small groups we were able to create our own version of the poems.

Which one would have been your favourite?

Learning From Home

During the lockdown Reception children were still, with the support of their adults, learning but having fun. Please see below some of the great things they produced

We created works of art out of paper plates

In Maths we learnt about 'full', 'half empty' and 'empty'

Making playdough was lots of fun

We made patterns out of natural objects

Phonics was being done on a daily basis

Playdough was used to create the book characters Cinderella and the Prince as part of World Book Day

A book mark was also made

Could you make a sandwich using at least 2 fillings?

This activity was completed after Mrs Richardson read the story of 'The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch'

Reception phonics and reading workshops

During the week of 16th November we held workshops for parents and carers. It was so well attended and we are delighted by the positive feedback given. You can read a few of the comments below.

A very big THANK YOU to you all

Have a look at some of the lovely work our children have been producing this term

As part of the topic 'Me', we looked at our bodies and named the different parts. We then talked about how our bodies move and what we needed to keep our bodies healthy.

This was the first book we focused on this term. it gave us an opportunity to look at our world and all the wonderful things around us.

Look out for the next one in a few weeks time!

Another aspect of our topic is Autumn. Children were taken into the nursery garden to look for signs of Autumn and collected a variety of leaves.

A lot of talk had been generated around the weather in Autumn, the events that are celebrated during this time, and children learnt about animals that hibernate and why they hibernate.

Ask your child to tell you about a hedgehog!

As part of Black History month we read many of these stories.

Fireworks are colourful and noisy.

After watching firework display clips, we created our own display.

Do you know the reason why Bonfire night is celebrated?

We do!