Nursery Information

Welcome to Nursery 

We would like to welcome you and your child to Earlsmead Nursery. We hope that we get to know each other very well and your child has a happy and successful time with us. 

Nursery Staff

Our Nursery teacher is Ms Kassim

Our Nursery Nurses are Tracy Tran and Sayera Ayazi

Our Nursery Teaching Assistants are Zahra Halane, Sow Ling and Nulifa Yeasmin

Our Nursery

Our Nursery is a lovely environment for children to learn and grow. We accommodate morning or afternoon, flexi-time and full time children. 

The entrance to the Nursery is on Walton Road. 

We now provide wrap around care for Nursery age children from 8am – 6pm. This includes Breakfast and Afterschool clubs. Please make enquiries from Nursery staff.

We also have a lovely, large, well equipped outdoor area which includes a wide range of play equipment, a covered area, a grass area and large play apparatus.

Bringing and Collecting Your Child

Nursery times:  Morning       9:00am - 12.00pm

  Afternoon 12.30pm - 3.30pm

  Flexible hours 2 full days + 1 half day

  Full time 9:00am - 3.30pm

Please bring your child into the Nursery at the beginning of the session and please come in when you collect your child (using the entrance in Walton Road). 

You must bring and collect your child on time. We think it is very important because your child will feel more settled arriving and leaving with all the other children.

When you bring your child into Nursery at the beginning of every session please encourage your child to put their coats and bags on their peg. You will also need to help your child find their name and put it on the name tree.

We will only allow your child to be collected by an adult who is known to us, so please tell us, or contact the school if anyone different will be collecting your child. Please note that we need up to date contact details for you and in addition we also need two emergency contact numbers.

Children under the age of fourteen are not old enough to collect a Nursery child.

The nursery gate will be locked 15 minutes after the start of each session. If the gate is locked you will not be able to bring your child to Nursery unless you have contacted us in advance.

If you are more than ten minutes late collecting your child, it is now school policy that their name be entered in a late book. If they are in the late book 3 times or more, you may be asked to come in and speak to a member of Senior Management.

The start and end of the Nursery sessions are very busy times. If you need to speak to the Nursery staff, please wait until all the children have gone at the end of the day and we will be happy to talk to you.

Please remember to bring spare clothes and 3 pieces of fruit weekly, 2 passport size photos & also your child’s birth certificate. Thank you.

Milk and Snack time

Milk or water is given to the children during the session. We ask for 3 pieces of fruit and a voluntary contribution of things like tissues, flour, or biscuits so your child has an extra snack during the session and we can do some form of cooking. 

We will collect your contributions on Mondays.

Home School Reading

Children are allowed to take books home every week. They must have a book bag to carry their book in. You can choose a book with your child every week.

If books are lost or damaged, they will need to be paid for.

What to Wear at nursery

Children in our nursery do not wear school uniform. You need to bring your child to nursery in clothes that are suitable for messy play. 

Whilst we ensure children wear aprons or an old shirt when appropriate, the children learn through play and  there is a strong chance that they will get dirty on a daily basis. Please also bring spare clothes which are labelled with your child’s name, for when this happens. 

The spare clothes should include; trousers or a skirt, a top, socks and underwear. These items should be left in school and will be returned at the end of the year. 

It is also important that your child does not wear shoes with laces as this is a health and safety concern. Loose laces cause children to fall over. Please buy footwear that can either slip on or has Velcro fastenings.

Record Keeping 

During the year there will be two Nursery Parent & Carer’s days to discuss your child’s progress with their key worker and look at their learning journals.

At the end of the year your child will get a report to say how they have progressed throughout the year.


Children are given an activity to do as home every week.  It does not always involve writing something down. It could be counting activities, pencil control, colouring in pictures or speaking and listening activities with parents.             


We have high expectations of your child. We want them to learn to: -

Nursery is a wonderful, safe and caring place for children to learn these skills. There might however be occasions when we need to apply particular strategies from our Behaviour Policy. If a child misbehaves, they are spoken to and given a reminder. If their behaviour does not change after three reminders, they must sit down for three minutes in a space chosen by the adults.

How you as parents can help us and your child:

by attending meetings

We hope you and your family will enjoy your time at Nursery.