Interdisciplinary Learning & Projects with Suzie Boss

a two-part webinar series


DATE: Saturday, March 5 & 12, 2022


FORMAT: Zoom Meeting (Zoom link will be sent 2 days before the event.)

FEE: Free for EARCOS Members

$100 for Non-Members. Please contact to be placed on the Guest Waitlist.


Session 1: For Interdisciplinary Learning, Focus on Real-World Contexts

When students tackle challenges that matter to them, engagement increases. To ensure that their initial engagement leads to deep learning, educators can look for interdisciplinary opportunities embedded in real-world projects. Such experiences will help students make connections that cross content silos as they apply their understanding to arrive at more creative solutions. Working on interdisciplinary projects mirrors the world beyond the classroom, where complex problems and emerging careers require collaboration by experts. This session will highlight compelling contexts for authentic problem solving from K-12, including sustainability, invention, engaged citizenship (both local and global), and community service. Case studies and planning strategies will help participants design projects that enable students to deepen disciplinary understanding while also making connections across content areas.

Session 2: Interdisciplinary Projects: Leveraging Opportunities, Overcoming Challenges

Planning for interdisciplinary projects challenges educators to reimagine the curriculum outside traditional content silos. This session will focus on practical strategies for collaborative project design, alignment to learning goals, and assessment planning. Examples will show how educators can leverage community partnerships and engage with content experts to help students extend their learning beyond the classroom. Resources will help participants anticipate next steps to expand interdisciplinary learning experiences for their students.

About Suzie Boss

Suzie Boss is an author and educational consultant from the United States who has worked with educators around the globe who are shifting from traditional instruction to real-world project-based learning. She is the author of 10+ books, longtime contributor to Edutopia, frequent conference presenter, and PBLWorks National Faculty emeritus. Her newest book, Redefining Student Success: Building a New Vision to Transform Leading, Teaching, and Learning, co-authored by Ken Kay, focuses on how schools are designing learning experiences that build students’ readiness to tackle future challenges.
