MTSS and RTI in Inclusive Schools

a tiered-approach to instruction

with Lee Ann Jung, PhD


DATES: November 6 to December 11, 2021

TIME: Saturdays, 10:00-11:30 AM HKT

FORMAT: Zoom Meeting (Zoom link will be sent 2 days before the event.)

COST: USD $675

If you are seeking San Diego State University credit for this course, please email after you have registered and paid for the course.

For Non-Members (USD $775). Please contact to be placed on the Guest Waitlist.

Course Overview

The purpose of this 6-week, online course is to develop language and skills around multi-tiered systems of support/response to intervention. John Hattie’s work reveals large effect sizes for students’ outcomes when schools implement a tiered approach to instruction and intervention.

This course provides an understanding of the following: How do we change our systems and structures so we have a clear mechanism for operating as a team to make decisions about small-group instruction, intervention, and referral that are efficient, effective, and equitable? Who receives intervention? How does this look? What are the data we need to make decisions about grouping and intervention? The concepts of co-teaching, teaming, reader and writer’s workshops, creative scheduling, role, and student sharing are applied within the context of MTSS in this course. Research-based strategies for Response to Intervention and Instruction and Positive Behavior Intervention Supports are embedded in discussion about the logistics of providing both long- and short-term Tiers II and III supports.

The course meets on Zoom six times, Saturday mornings from 10:00 - 11:30 AM, Hong Kong Time, November 6 - December 11, 2021.

Courses in this Series

1. Your Students, My Students, OUR Students

2. MTSS and RTIi in Inclusive Schools

3. From Goals to Growth: Intervention and Progress Monitoring

4. Supporting Families in Inclusive Schools

5. Coaching and Consultation in Inclusive Schools

6. Advanced Coaching and Consultation

7. Organizational Change in Inclusive Schools

About your instructors

Lee Ann Jung, PhD

Lee Ann is CEO of Lead Inclusion, Clinical Professor at San Diego State University, and a consultant to schools worldwide. She provides support to schools in the areas of universal design for learning, inclusion, intervention, and mastery-based assessment and grading. Before beginning a career in higher education she worked in special education in the roles of teacher and administrator. She is a former full professor and director of International Partnerships in the University of Kentucky's College of Education. Lee Ann leads the International Inclusive Leadership Program, a professional learning and graduate program for educators in international schools in partnership with San Diego State University.

Johanna Cena, DEd

Johanna is the Director of Teaching and Learning at the American School of Barcelona. She has 18 years of experience in education, 10 of those years as an Elementary principal and Director of ELL programs in Barcelona and in Portland, Oregon. Johanna has also been a classroom teacher, ELL teacher, instructional coach and staff developer. She has been a presenter on the topics of teacher leadership, content literacy, reading interventions, English language development, reader’s and writer’s workshop, culturally relevant teaching strategies, sheltered instruction, and systems such as response to instruction and intervention and Positive Behavior Support.
