About Jonah Rosenfield & Tom Woods

About Jonah Rosenfield

Jonah Rosenfield (jonah@globalsafeguardingcollaborative.org) is the Designated Safeguarding Lead at the Luanda International School in Angola and Founding Director of the Global Safeguarding Collaborative (GSC).  Working in a challenging and oftentimes isolated environment, Jonah’s initial connections with other safeguarding leads through workshops and conferences was the inspiration for the GSC.  Intentional in its culture of professional intimacy, the GSC is an adaptive group, unique in its culture of care, that exists to meet the needs of its members and all students in their schools.  Jonah and his family are from the USA and have worked overseas (India, Argentina, and Angola) since 2010.

About Tom Woods

Tom Woods (twoods@vsa.edu.hk) is the Designated Safeguarding Lead at Victoria Shanghai Academy, Hong Kong, and Advisory Board Member of the Global Safeguarding Collaborative (GSC).  Tom has had extensive professional development across many areas of Safeguarding; delivered most notably by CIS, ICPA and NSPCC. As a result of this professional development, Tom developed a Safeguarding action plan for his school.  This action plan subsequently formed the backbone of the GSC Safeguarding Framework developed by an international sub-committee of safeguarding experts in collaboration with ICMEC. Originally from Australia, Tom has worked in international schools in China and Hong Kong since 2003.