6th Grade Science

Course Overview

Sixth grade Science covers a wide variety of subjects. Please see course syllabus for specifics.

Sixth grade Science is a general science survey course which includes topics in three areas: Physical Science, Life Science, and Earth Science. A variety of learning experiences will be incorporated into the curriculum throughout the year. These include labs, lectures, film and video presentations, cooperative learning, and individual work (vocabulary, study guides, labeling of diagrams, practice sheets, etc).

**Please remind your scholar to bring their school issued, charged iPad every day. The iScience textbook is an on-line textbook that they will need to have access to on a daily basis.


Rules and Procedures21-22 NEW (1).docx

Class Calendar

Required Materials/Class Supplies

Supply List: Updated 8-10-2021

**Mead 5 Star 150 page 3 section Spiral 11 X 81/2 college ruled. ( Need when back on campus)

**Pencils- package (Mechanical work really well)

**Red pens- package


** Colored pencils- package of at least 12 (Twistables never need sharpening!!!!)

**2 large Elmer's glue sticks (Turned in to teacher)

**1 package 3x5 index cards

**1 Package of loose leaf lined paper

Students with last names A-M bring a large container of Lysol wipes.

Students with last names N-Z bring 1-2 rolls select-a-size paper towels.

**1 large smile, with an extra helping of effort and a side of patience for an exciting start to middle school!

Several parents have asked what items I need for class to help with this year. Here is a list of items we use lots of in class.

*Sharpened pencils

*Grading Pens

*Sharpened colored pencils (Twistables are really wonderful as they never need sharpening!)

*I would really like to have some chalk markers for class as students can write on their tables to review

Thanks to all of you for every single thing you are doing to help you child!!!!! I appreciate you!!!!

Laboratory Safety Rules Packet.pdf