Course Overview

MAPS Course Description: MAPS stands for Methodology for Academic and Personal Success. In this course, students will explore the options available to establish both immediate and long-range personal goals, identify individual learning styles and abilities and develop critical time management, organization, and study skills. These courses focus on self-understanding, decision-making, resiliency, attitude, character education, and leadership to help students maximize personal achievement. The course emphasizes proactive problem solving, self-determination, and independent thinking and learning skills. In addition, students will explore and experience collaboration as a tool for creative problem solving.

Successful completion of MAPS 1 will earn you an elective credit.

Course Rationale: Students entering high school continue to need specific instruction in time management, organization, and study skills, particularly as those skills apply to the increasing expectations, responsibilities and academic demands of high school. They also need a structured introduction to and exploration of the personal and academic options available in high school and beyond. It is essential that young people have the format and guidance early in their high school careers that enables them to identify their own particular strengths and interests and to establish their individual goals. At the same time, we can help all of our students to develop and practice resiliency, leadership, and self-determination.

Course Goals:

  1. Students will build skills and strategies necessary for students to make a successful transition into high school and an academic career.

  2. Students will explore the options available in high school, higher education, and the professional world in order to establish both immediate and long-range personal goals.

  3. After identifying their individual learning styles and abilities, students will build on these abilities by developing critical time management, organization, and study skills.

Course Objectives:

  1. The student explores and analyzes the basic concepts of learning and communication styles based on current research and practices effective communication

  2. The student reviews campus policies and rules of conduct and defines attitude and the effects of attitude on personal conduct.

  3. The student reviews and understands personal and environmental resiliency builders to use in establishing and realizing goals.

  4. The student understands the skills of time management and the tools of organization.

  5. The student analyzes the characteristics of a successful student and reviews and practices effective study skills including: memory skills, following directions, communication skills, listening skills, note-taking skills, reading skills, problem-solving skills and test-taking skills.

  6. The student explores and analyzes the role and characteristics of an effective leader in order to demonstrate leadership in a group setting

  7. The student explores and analyzes positive character traits including responsibility, perseverance, caring, self-discipline, citizenship, honesty, courage, fairness, respect, and trustworthiness

  8. The student explores and analyzes personal strengths, weaknesses, interests and goals in order to establish a plan for success that continues throughout high school into postsecondary education, an internship or a training program.

  9. The student researches, analyzes, and applies career information.

Methodology for Academic and Personal Success I TEKS


Class Calendar

Required Class Materials

  1. Fully Charged iPad

  2. iPad Charger (if possible)

  3. Calendar/Planner Filled out - Or - Google Calendar synced with Active To-Do List

  4. Any Homework or Study Materials - Because MAPS is a course to help support you in all your other courses, it is important to bring all needed materials from and for your other classes. Please plan ahead and always have something to work on.

Google Classroom

Westlake High School utilizes the Google Classroom platform to share classroom resources, many assignments, and assessment preparation materials to students. WHS students will receive a classroom code to access these materials, submit assignments, and track any missing work.

Additional Resources

If you have information you would like made available to the public (i.e. a slidedeck presentation), post it here. Please be sure anything you post publicly is not in violation of copyright laws--worksheets from publishers, images on slides protected by copyright and/or not cited.

Social Media Links: If you post class assignments, questions, photos or other information on social media, make note of it here and be sure to link to the account(s).