6th Social Studies

Course Overview

Welcome to Sixth Grade Social Studies!  

Together we will learn about the economy, culture, history, and geography of countries all around the globe!

This year, we will be studying the diverse regions of the world. The sixth grade social studies program investigates major physical, political, and cultural forces that have shaped societies over time, in addition to teaching students to be global citizens. 

SS Syllabus 2023-2024.docx

Class Calendar

IMPORTANT!  Assignments are subject to change.  Your students' daily calendar or planner will reflect the most current assignments; in other words, what happens in class supersedes this website. On rare occasions, I may be unable to update the site according to the changes made in class. 

Required Materials/Class Supplies

Additional Resources

PLEASE NOTE: When attempting to access these resources off of the district wi-fi you will be asked to enter a username and password. For every resource: