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Welcome to Eanes ISD!

Eanes ISD believes that the thoughtful use of technology is the purposeful integration of digital tools to enhance student learning experiences. We believe technology enhances opportunities for differentiation, creation, collaboration, critical thinking, and digital citizenship. 

Technology Integration

Thoughtful use of technology begins with lesson design.  As teachers design lessons, we ask them to utilize our EISD planning framework to ensure technology integration is purposeful, enhances the learning experience and aligns to our Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).


Eanes ISD selected SAMR as the instructional framework during the original 1:1 implementation in 2013.  This model best aligns with the beliefs and instructional practices in the district.  

Dr. Ruben Puentedura developed the SAMR model as a way for teachers to evaluate how they are incorporating technology into their instructional practice. The SAMR model lays out four tiers of learning, presented roughly in order of their transformative power: substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition. 

When you reflect upon how you are integrating technology into your classroom it’s tempting to think we must always be transforming. Thoughtful technology integration isn’t about living at the top of the SAMR model; it’s about being aware of the options and selecting the right tool for the task.

The SAMR model is both a planning tool and a reflection tool. It benefits teachers by providing a framework from which they can assess how they are using technology in teaching, and how technology can enhance instruction. Teachers can evaluate technology use by responding to these questions:

Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn. The research basis for the general principles of UDL is also grounded in modern neuroscience. The three basic principles are built upon the knowledge that our learning brains are composed of three different networks, recognition, strategic, and affective. 

The UDL Guidelines align these three networks with the three principles (recognition to representation, strategic to action and expression, and affective to engagement). This empirical base in neuroscience provides a solid foundation for understanding how the learning brain intersects with effective instruction. This alignment is further extended and clarified by the guidelines and checkpoints.

UDL & Tech Integration

Digital Citizenship

Students are online more than ever before, so teaching them how to use technology thoughtfully and responsibly is an essential part of their social and emotional development and academic success.

Online Course Framework

EISD Online Course Framework.pdf
Online Course Framework Infographic.pdf

Hour of Code

The Hour of Code takes place every year during Computer Science Education Week, December 5-11. It’s designed to get kids excited about coding via brief, enjoyable lessons, typically based on digital games and apps. Below are a few resources Eanes ISD teachers have access to for fostering creative problem solving through the Hour of Code. 

TrustED App Dashboard

To create a transparent view into the digital resources used in the district Technology Services has partnered with 1Ed Tech to implement a dashboard for students, staff, and community members that provides an online inventory of digital resources available to students across the district. The online dashboard is linked below and made available to our academic community. The dashboard contains a detailed inventory of mobile apps and tools utilized by students and information on the data privacy, terms of service and a handout for using the resource. Watch this short video for an overview of the TrustEd App Dashboard. Contact your Educational Partner for login information or call Technology Services if you have questions or need assistance with the TrustEd App Dashboard.