About Me

Shellayne Burkhart

Room # 304

E-mail: sburkhart@eanesisd.net

Phone: (512) 732-9220 ext 31200

Greetings Hill Country Middle School students and families,

It is with great anticipation and enthusiasm that I embark upon my first school year here at Hill Country Middle School. Previously, I had the privilege of teaching Science at Bee Caves Middle School.

My educational background encompasses a degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where I majored in Environmental Sciences. Upon relocating to the state of Texas, I pursued and obtained my certification to teach science to 4th-8th grade students.  Teaching middle schoolers about Science is something I'm really passionate about. It's super important because it helps them grasp how the natural world works, especially at this important stage of their growth.

During my time away from HCMS, my husband and I are kept busy with our daughter, a junior at Austin High School, and our son who is in kindergarten.