Grading Policy 

Third grade is the first year that the students will receive numeric grades, as well as letter grades for each subject.  In order to assure that students master curriculum and to foster an environment where authentic learning is valued, students will be able to retake end-of-unit assessments that receive a grade lower than a 70. Report cards will be posted online every nine weeks. The first report card will be provided at Parent/Teacher conferences in October.

Papers will be sent home in your child's blue "Take Home Folder".  We encourage you to sit with your child and go over the work with them. These papers are yours to keep. A weekly homework calendar and behavior check in sheet will be inside the blue folder each day. 

Homework Policy 

Your child will have homework on a regular basis in order to practice skills and to develop responsibility. Math homework will come home Monday, and be due the following Monday. This allows for busy schedules either during the week or weekend. Whatever works best for you and your family.   We also ask that our students are reading a good-fit book 20 minutes each night. It is very important that children read at least 20 minutes each night. Here is an article with information on the logic behind this.  https://www.k12reader.com/why-read-20-minutes-a-day/. Students may also be asked to review materials to prepare for upcoming learning checks.

Snack Policy

Snack will be each day in the classroom before specials.  Please make sure your child packs a healthy snack.  No candy, cookies, or drinks, other than water, will be permitted. Water bottles are allowed as long as they have a closed top. All snacks should be nut free.

Lunch Visits

Parents are allowed to join for lunch this year. We are in the cafeteria from  11:45-12:15. You may sit with  only your child at a designated visitor table. You are more than welcome to bring your child a special lunch, but please do not bring food for any other children. Please wait until after Labor Day to visit lunch. 

Transportation Changes

Changes in transportation often happen mid-day and unexpectedly. If this occurs, please make the change on our district SmartTag system before 1:50 pm. If it is later than this please **notify the office** with either a phone call (512) 732-9200 or an email at bpeattendance@eanesisd.net. Feel free to 'cc your child's homeroom teacher as well, but the priority email should go straight to the office, as teachers can not guarantee they will receive the email in time to notify your child. 

**No guest riders will be allowed on any bus. While we realize this may cause an inconvenience to some families, we made the decision based on bus route and fuel efficiency, management in terms of the number of consistent riders on our routes, and equal transportation offerings for all of our families. The definition of a guest rider is a student who rides a bus other than the one they are assigned. If a student remains on his/her assigned bus but gets off at a different stop along the route, this is allowed because he/she is already accounted for on that bus.

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Notes, Notes, Notes!!! All absences need to have a documented note letting the office know why the student was absent. This isn't a change, just reinforcing the need. 

Until we get a note, the absence is unexcused. Phone calls are not notes. TEA (Texas Education Agency) will not allow documentation to be campus generated. Parents can call, but they will be directed to send a note when the child returns or email the school. 

For extended absences (over 3 days) please complete and return the Extended Absence/Family Travel Notification Form.

For absences due to religious reasons, please complete and return the Religious Holy Day Absence Form.