June Porras

Contact information

June Porras

Campus Support Specialist

Barton Creek Elementary

Room 203


Phone: (512) 732-9180

About Me

My name is June Porras and I am delighted to begin my second year at Barton Creek Elementary School as Campus Support Specialist part time. I have over 25 years of teaching experience and I have worked as a Bilingual Reading Specialist at Langford Elementary providing small group reading intervention K-5. Before that time, I taught kindergarten and first grade at Baldwin Elementary and Houston Elementary School in Austin.


 I was born and raised in  Philadelphia but lived in several states in the US. Before moving to Austin, I lived in Mexico City for twenty years where I married and raised two successful sons. I received my BA in Spanish from St. Edward’s University and hold a bilingual generalist certificate through Region XIII.   I am a dyslexia specialist and I am trained in Reading by Design, (the dyslexia program adopted by the District), The Science of Teaching Reading, and  LETRS, (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling)  providing foundational literacy and language skills based on these practices.  

I strive to provide a brave space for my students where they feel comfortable learning, sharing and growing and is all inclusive to all races, sexes, genders, abilities, immigration status and lived experiences.   

When I am not teaching, I'm either traveling back and forth to Mexico and/or Spain or working in my garden. I live with my husband of 42 years and our rescued poodle mix, Nola. My family is my joy and my blessing as you can see from the photos shared below. I also enjoy aqua aerobics, playing board games, putting together puzzles, gardening, and crafts.

Porras Family

My husband Armando and I

Boating on the Mediterranean

Mallorca with Nico & Luca

The Grandkids
