Senior Tributes

Senior Yearbook Ads are available - 

recognize your student's achievements in 

Garber's yearbook!

Space is first come, first served. Once the senior tribute section is filled, no additional ads can be sold. A sale is not complete until all materials, including pictures, text, and payment have been submitted. 

Tributes can be purchased online at, by submitting a paper copy of the order form to the office, or by contacting the adviser. 

Ad Sizes and Pricing:

Full page  - $265

Photo limit: 10 photos

Upload your images and your message to your student. The yearbook staff will design your ad and contact you for your approval prior to publication.

Half page  - $175

Photo limit: 7 photos

Upload your images and your message to your student. The yearbook staff will design your ad and contact you for your approval prior to publication.

Quarter page  - $100

Photo limit: 3-4 photos

Upload your images and your message to your student. The yearbook staff will design your ad and contact you for your approval prior to publication.

Eighth page  (business card size) - $75

Photo limit: 1 photo with a brief message works best

Upload your images and your message to your student. The yearbook staff will design your ad and contact you for your approval prior to publication.