
Daily schedule

Period 1 8:07-8:49

Period 2 8:52-9:34

Period 3 9:37-10:19

 Period 4 10:22-11:04

 Lunch 11:07-11:32

 Recess 11:32-11:57

 Period 6 12:22-1:04

Period 7 1:07-1:49

Period 8 1:52-2:34

Period 9 2:37-3:19

Mrs. Geelan's Classes

30 Book Challenge


The 20 Book Challenge allows students to explore books in all types of genres.  This challenge will be given at the beginning of the year, and students will have the whole school year to complete this goal.   I found that students who read at least 20 minutes a night meet this goal very easily. 

Happy Reading!!!!