About Us

Ms. Schooler

This is my twenty-sixth year as a teacher in the Dysart Unified School District. I have taught Kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade. I also have been a Success for All Reading Program Facilitator and a Gifted Specialist. I was Nationally Board Certified in Early Literacy.

I have four adult children: Melissa, Steve, Dan, and Tricia. We enjoy camping, watching movies, and crafting. I also love to garden, read, and walk. I love to travel and experience new places.

My goal is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for all my students. I believe our classroom members should be like a family, working together to meet everyone's needs. This year will be filled with learning and fun!!

You may contact me at: kathryn.schooler@dysart.org


Hello 2nd Grade Families! I am so excited to be teaching your children this year at Sunset Hills. Second grade is the best year of all. Students are well on their way to becoming great readers. They are more independent learners. Second graders are also very teachable and curious. Can you tell that I adore this age group?

Let me share a little about myself. I am an Idaho farm girl. I am the youngest in my family of six siblings. I now have my own family of three spunky girls and one super hero husband. My husband and I are both teachers in the Dysart district. Some of my favorite things are fresh pineapple, CHOCOLATE, marvel movies, EEYORE, reading, rollerblading, and biking.

My goals for this year are to help your students be the best they can be! I plan to do this by offering a variety of lessons that reach out to all learning styles. It is very important to me to have a positive classroom environment where we are all supporting one another and trying hard. I know the success of these second graders would not be possible without the support of their families. I encourage open communication from home and in our class as well. I can't wait to see this year unfold!


This is my 16th year teaching and I am so excited to be working with you and your child here at Sunset Hills. It is going to be a year full of fun, learning and lots of adventures. I can't wait to see what this year has in store for us.

I am from Michigan...GO BLUE!!! My husband and I went searching out west for teaching jobs. We landed in Las Vegas where we taught for 8years. Our journey then led us to Surprise where we have lived and taught for the last 8 years. We have four energetic, sweet, and all around good boys. Landon is 13, Andrew is 11, Chandler is 8 and Brandt is 5. We enjoy relaxing in Michigan during our summer break and live a very busy life full of sports, camping, scouting and school work the rest of the year.

My classroom is built on relationships. I like to follow the Love and Logic practices and have seen many successes in my class from learning how to respect and communicate with each other. It is very important to leave an open line of communication, so please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to a great year together.

MRS. Hewitt

My name is Cady Hewitt and I'm so excited to work with you and your child this year! This is my 9th year teaching all in Dysart and my 4th year at Sunset Hills. I absolutely love this school and the community surrounding it! We are going to have a lot of fun this year while learning everything we need to be successful in 2nd grade!

I am married to our iExplore teacher, Mr. Hewitt and we have two daughters. Elena who is 3, and Avery who is 1. We love to spend time outdoors together and exploring new places. When it's too hot out, we play hide and seek, baby dolls and Barbies, and work on crafts together. I have lived in Arizona my entire life and can't imagine living anywhere else. Even with the heat, this is my home. Some of my favorite things are watching movies, making signs, and reading.

My philosophy of teaching is very simple. I believe that all of us have an unlimited amount of what we can learn. I believe that it is important to teach the state standards but equally important to teach life skills. It is a valuable tool to learn how to be critical thinkers, independent and yet capable of working on a team. We are together for many hours a day, five days a week. We need to know how to resolve conflicts in a fair and respectful way. Most importantly, we all need to feel safe and valued in our classroom.