8th grade Syllabus

8th grade Language Arts Syllabus

Mrs. Kimberly Cox 2021 – 2022

Surprise Elementary School LA Expectations / Procedures

Rm. 234 PUT in ELA section of binder

Dear Students and Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to 8th grade Language Arts! This is going to be a year filled with exploration, discovery, and learning! This class will be an online-curriculum-based literature class with an emphasis on using the Writing Process so that students learn to communicate more effectively. Along with various types of writing and reading strategies, grammar, spelling, and vocabulary will be taught as a part of the reading-writing process. The students will complete a variety of activities, both verbal and nonverbal. These activities are designed to build each student's self-esteem by providing opportunities for successful, personalized learning. The students will be participating in individual, peer partner, cooperative groups, and whole classroom activities in order to increase learning and build character. Also, students will be preparing for district testing and advancement to high school. Therefore, class attendance and participation are a must! I will guide and coach, but the ultimate responsibility for success in learning falls upon you, the student.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to teach you, and thank you for taking this opportunity to learn. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 623-876-7400, or email me at kimberly.cox@dysart.org. I have an open-door policy, and your parents/guardians are welcome in my classroom at any time. I look forward to getting to know you, and working with you as you strive to achieve your best!

With best wishes for a wonderful year,

Mrs. Kimberly Cox

8th grade Language Arts Course Components

Literature Components:

Our online curriculum/textbook, Savvas MyPerspectives, includes 5 units, each focusing on a different theme. Each unit includes a variety of Literary, Informative/Expository, Argumentative, and Functional texts. Florida Virtual Curriculum and Media are used to enhance students’ understanding of these themes.

Writing Components:

Writer’s Notebook. Writing pieces: Narrative/Personal, Informative/Expository, Argumentative, Functional, and Analytical.

Other Components:

Reading Analysis, Goal Setting, Time Management, Study and Test-taking Skills, Communication, and Character-building Skills focusing on “Second Step” and “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” programs.

Note: The components of the Syllabus may change to meet school and/or district academic standards.

Daily Recommended Materials:

1. Chromebook - will be assigned by homeroom teacher, and left at school to charge each evening

2. #2 Pencils & pencil sharpener – regular or mechanical pencils (please make sure they are sharpened and/or you have extra lead)

3. Blue/black ink pens - Other colors will be provided as needed - writing program, etc.

4. Loose-leaf paper - college or wide rule - your choice; please do NOT tear paper from spiral notebooks.

5. Highlighters - green, yellow, pink, and orange will be used most (NO blue or purple because they bleed through the paper)

6. Other materials - colored pencils, markers, ruler, glue stick, scissors

7. Pencil pouch / box - to hold supplies

8. Agenda book – given to students during the first week of school – students will use it to record assignments, etc.

9. Binder with dividers & white board - provided to students the first week of school - students will keep all classwork in binder

*Grading Scale: Midterm Progress Reports Posted:

90 – 100 A Midway thru each Quarter; Parents/Students can view grades at any time

80 – 89 B by accessing the Parent Portal via www.dysart.org on the “Parents” page.

70 – 79 C Parent – Teacher Conferences – week of:

60 – 69 D October 11th and February 7th - teacher will send invitations for scheduling

0 – 59 F Report Cards Posted: within a week of the end of each Quarter

*Grade of .5 or higher rounds up Quarters end: October 8, December 17, March 11, May 19

Assignment Types: Students earn a grade for Reading/Writing (ELA) class. The grade includes the following types of assignments:

1. 10% - Classwork/Homework: individual, partner, cooperative group, and/or whole-class assignments.

2. 80% - Assessments (60%) /Projects (20%): quizzes, reading/writing projects, unit projects, tests, and other assessments.

3. 10% - Cumulative Final Exam: exam will reflect standards taught for that semester.

Homework: Any work not completed in class may be assigned as homework. Also, since our curriculum/textbook is online and accessible on almost any electronic device and/or smartphone, homework may be assigned from the textbook to use in class discussion / activities the next school day.

Late Work / Making up Missed Assignments or Tests (Student’s Responsibility!): Late work will NOT be accepted except as part of student’s IEP/504 plan! Students are responsible for any missed work due to an excused absence. Students should request makeup work the first day they return to class after an absence.

Classroom Member Procedures and Expectations: Each of us is an important, valued member of this class. Working together and helping each other follow these procedures and expectations will result in an enjoyable, fun, educational year for us all! You can earn many different types of individual and class rewards for showing positive behavior and making good choices!

1. I will follow all DUSD and Surprise Elementary Discipline and Uniform Dress Code procedures and rules (these are included in my Student Handbook).

2. I will enter the room quickly and quietly with necessary materials. I will make sure my pencils are sharpened / have lead. I will sit in my assigned seat, complete the Bell Work assigned, and be ready for the class activities of the day (homework completed, chromebook and other materials ready).

Note 1: Please make sure to have all materials with you; you will NOT be allowed to go back to another teacher’s class to get your missing

materials (this includes chromebooks and binders!). We will be respectful of other classes’ instructional time.

Note 2: Please place all other materials in the trays under the desks so there is nothing in the aisles.

3. I will demonstrate the Six Pillars of Character – Responsibility, Caring, Trustworthiness, Respect, Citizenship, and Fairness – and the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Be Proactive, Begin with the End in Mind, Put First Things First, Think Win-Win, Seek First to Understand/Then to be Understood, Synergize, and Sharpen the Saw - in my daily behavior by

* Respecting the property, space, and time of those in class with me. I will keep my hands to myself and not bother, take, or move other people’s things.

* Listening while the teacher or a fellow student is talking to the class. I will raise my hand if I have something to share. I will refrain from having sidebar conversations with my neighbors.

* Using my 6-inch voice when working with my partner / small group.

* Actively participating in class. I am expected to sit up, pay attention, and work with my partner / group / class on the given assignment. I will not write, read, or pass personal notes / drawings in class. I will only put my head down on my desk after I have received my teacher’s permission. I will not be on online sites that the teacher has not given me permission to be on at that time.

* I will not display inappropriate and/or unsafe behavior on campus (i.e. horseplay, bullying, play fighting, PDA, etc.)

* I will have only clear, bottled water in the classroom – NO drinks, candy, or food in order to keep our room neat and protect our chromebooks and carpet! Gum is NOT allowed.

4. I will follow the “EIS User Agreement” and Student Handbook expectations for my electronic devices. If I use my electronic device inappropriately, I will receive a negative consequence up to and including detentions and suspensions.

5. If an emergency occurs, I will follow the directions given by my teacher and/or over the PA system.

6. When a Resource and/or Guest teacher is in the classroom, I will follow the directions s/he gives and do the work s/he assigns. I will give this person my attention and respect.

Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior: Following the procedures and expectations will help you have a successful year!

1. If a student chooses not follow the Classroom Procedures and Expectations given above, and classroom disciplinary action is needed, I will use one or more of the following disciplinary procedures: Warning, Conference with Student, Student relocation to a different part of the room and/or a Buddy Teacher room, Parent Contact, Restriction of Privileges, Lunchtime Behavior Intervention Conference, and/or Referral to Administration. Students’ inappropriate behaviors and consequences will be recorded in the PLP (parent contact log).

2. If a student’s misconduct is immediately serious and/or the student continues to be disruptive, the student will be sent to the Principal or Assistant Principal for disciplinary procedures.

3. Parent contact will be made via phone call, note sent home with the student, email, and/or letter/postcard mailed home.

Let’s have a great year together, Class of 2026!!

Student’s Name: ________________________ Date: _____________ HR: _____________ Course: 8th LA

Syllabus Confirmation Sheet: 8th grade Language Arts, 2021 -2022

Dear Parent/ Guardian,

Please read and complete the statement below. Then have your student return this top section only to

me. This is a homework assignment and is due on Tuesday, August 10, 2021. The Language Arts Syllabus handout should be placed in the student’s Language Arts section of the binder. It will also be online in their Schoology Classroom.

I ____________________________ have read the Course Syllabus & Expectations handout with my student.

(Parent / Guardian’s Name)

Home Phone: ________________________________ Work Phone: ________________________________

Cell Phone: __________________________________ Best time to call: _____________________________

Email address: _____________________________________________________________________________

I look forward to getting to know your student and you. I know this will be a great year!

Thank you,

Mrs. Kimberly Cox