Mrs. Leal


Hello kindergarten families,

I hope you are well. This is a difficult time. I miss you all so much. Please remember if you need help you can email me at or you can message me on class Dojo.

Please know that 1-2 hours of work per day is enough. School at home goes faster than in the regular classroom, because there are fewer people.

There are many ways to help your child at home. Reading, writing, math, science and social studies are happening all around, not just in the classroom. Here are some ways to support your child's academic growth:

Reading: Look through books, read the pictures, make up stories to go with the pictures, make up your own stories too. Look for letters and words around the house. Label items in the house. As you know, we try to say out loud, the sounds in words. This is something you can practice at home.

Math: practice counting out loud to 50, then 80 and then to 100. We count by 1s and 10s in class. Count objects in the house, find shapes around your house, measure things, weight things. Cooking together if possible to measure ingredients can be fun.

Science: look at the sky, look at nature around you, draw and talk about what you see.

Social Studies: This is a great time to talk about how communities help each other and rely on each other.

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