Brit. Lit. English 7-8

The textbook for this course is online.

To logon to Pearson:\Pearson

Remember you can use your textbook at home to reference as you complete assignments/activities, to study for quizzes/tests, and to catch up on the reading selections.

Here's a link to the Close Reading information.

Remember that if you miss an assignment and it has already been graded, you MUST email Mrs. Flosman at upon completion of the missing work. This includes make up work after an absence.

Syllabus - Students/Families need to read through the syllabus and need to fill out the sign off form. Forms are available in the link or in class.

Course Description

English 7-8 is an exploration of English (British) literature and through utilizing Common Core curriculum students will gain a review of grammar, an enhancement of vocabulary, and an overview of composition. This course presents the cultural development of English (British) literature and literature of other cultures by stressing major literary forms, themes, and techniques in an interdisciplinary approach. The course content includes selections of British short stories, poetry, novels, and drama. Performance assessments and pre and post comprehensive exams will be administered. The course has been structured to align with Arizona College and Career Readiness Standards.

Main course objectives are:

•To increase vocabulary and comprehension through the study of literature

•To improve writing skills through varied and challenging assignments

•To increase communication skills in both small and large group settings

•To deliver oral presentations with poise and clarity

Homework Expectations:

  • Students are expected to log into computers from home to access the textbook and to complete Schoology assignments. If you are having difficulty, please see Mrs. Flosman for assistance.

Classroom Expectations & Outcomes

  • Expectations

    • Adhere to the Academic Honesty policy agreed to in the District Handbook

    • Come to class prepared to participate fully in class activities

    • Personal devices must not be used from bell to bell during instructional time unless otherwise directed by a staff member for instructional purposes or for use as an educational resource.

  • Outcomes

    • Develop a working knowledge of British Literature, composition, and research methods.

    • Enhance vocabulary, composition, revision and editing skills.

    • Demonstrate mastery in assessment of a variety of texts and writing applications.

Digital Citizenship

Students will learn how to use hardware, software, etc. in a responsible manner. Students will learn the proper uses of email and online discussions. Students understand that access and use of technology is a privilege and will treat it as such. Any use of technology that is deemed inappropriate will result in loss of access to technology and may earn disciplinary action as outlined in the student handbook.

Late Work Policy*

Time management and accountability are essential for 21st Century learners; therefore, the following policy is designed to prepare students for college and career opportunities after high school.

English 7-8 (12th grade) - 1 day from original due date

* Please note: this may need to be adjusted according to individual students’ IEP’s and 504’s.

Retakes (meeting proficiency)

  • Students shall have 2 weeks from the original assessment date to demonstrate mastery of the standard(s) assessed.

  • Mastery assessment is to be a different piece of evidence than the original assessment.

  • Alternate test, alternate writing assessment

Students should have attended at least 1 tutoring session or completed 1 additional practice before completing a second/mastery assessment.