Mrs. Divers

Hello! My name is Christine Divers, and I teach first grade at Countryside! I have taught for 15 years and have taught kindergarten, first, second, and third grade.


I am originally from Oregon, and moved to Arizona to start my teaching career. I am married and have two wonderful children. My son, Bryson, will be in first grade this year. My daughter, Hadley, will be in preschool.


I attended Oregon State University and have a degree in Early Childhood Development and Education and a minor in Spanish.

I then attended Willamette University where I received my Maters in Education.


I love traveling and getting out of the Arizona heat in the summer. I enjoy playing board and card games. Reading and swimming are also things I enjoy.

My Favorites:

Drink: Coffee!

Food: Popcorn

Candy: Skittles or peanut m and m's

Movie: Elf

Animal: Elephant

Color: Pink and turquoise

Book: Children's books, education books, and parenting books

Sport: Hockey