AP World History

Hey everyone, I'm so glad you've accepted the challenge and will be taking AP World History next year!!

This is a college level class and will be very reading and writing intensive. Don't worry though, we will work through it together, support one another and encourage each other so when it comes time for the AP Test, you'll be ready!!

WHAP! Materials

So for this year in order to be successful in the class and on the test you need to be organized!

You need get a few things:

  • A three ring notebook just for this class, one inch will probably work.

  • Lots of notebook paper

  • Pens and highlighters

  • Dividers for the different units, we'll use the notebooks for this.

  • A regular colored folder, nothing fancy, just something simple and hole punched that you'll use to turn papers into me.

  • Study guides for the AP Test...... we'll talk about this when school starts.