
Course Description

Geometry focuses on the strategies of inductive and deductive reasoning to find the measures of angles and segments in polygons and circles. These strategies are extended to solid figures to find area and volume. Coordinate geometry and constructions are thematic throughout the course. Other topics covered are parallel lines and geometric probability. This course meets one of the four math requirements for graduation and university admission.

Suggested Course Materials Arizona law requires that public schools provide supplies required for academic success. The majority of the supplies your child will use in the classroom will be provided by the school. The following is a wish list of optional items desired for each student in each grade level. Any student unable to bring any of the listed items will be provided with supplies.

· Paper (preferably 2 single subject notebooks per semester)

· Pencils (mechanical is preferred)

· Highlighter

· Math Compass

· Ruler and Protractor

· Scientific Calculator (not required, but nice to have) or TI-84 Graphing Calculator

Grading Policies

Grades will be calculated according to the following department guidelines:

The grading scale is:

90 < Score < 100 = A

80 < Score < 89.9 = B

70 < Score < 79.9 = C

65 < Score < 69.9 = D

0 ≤ Score < 64.9 = F


  • Respect - of your teacher, of your peers, of the learning time, and of materials
  • Preparation- be prepared to work, bring materials, clean workspace and mind
  • Perseverance– be curious, ask questions, continually improve and learn

Assignment Policy

Daily assignments are designed for practice of concepts and a key part to the learning process in mathematics. Students will have assignments daily. Assignments will be reviewed regularly, with the expectation that students review their assignments and seek additional assistance when necessary.

Late Assignments

For missing assignments/tests, an(M)(missing) will be entered into the grade book until the missing work is turned in. Once the assignment is turned in completed, it would qualify for partial credit as long as it is turned in prior to the 5-week cut-off for making up assignments.

Retake Policy

Retakes are allowed for all assignments and assessments except for final exams. There are time limits for all retakes. Retakes must be completed by the end of the 5th week in each quarter and then by the end of the quarter. Retakes will be given in the classroom only. It is the student's’ responsibility to request the needed test retake by filling out a retest form at least one day before retesting.

Absences and the Retake Policy

When a student is absent, they have the number of days that they were absent to turn in the missing assignment or take a test. (Example: If the student is absent on Monday and Tuesday, returning to school on Wednesday, the student would have until Friday to make up missing work.) As long as the assignment/test is accomplished within the absence window, the task is considered to be "on time," the student can redo the assignment/test. Regardless of absences, the student would still need to meet the criteria for re-takes as outlined above in the retake policy.

Restroom/Pass Policy

Classes are very short and leaving the classroom for any reason disrupts the learning environment. Yet, emergencies do arise. Students will be allowed out of the classroom during NON-instructional time to use the restroom. Students must have their ID with them to be allowed out of the classroom. Records of use will be kept. If your student must use the restroom excessively, please contact the teacher. Passes will NOT be allowed during the first or last 10 minutes of class.

Classroom Discipline Procedures

In an effort to have behavior issues resolved at the lowest possible level, anytime a student violates classroom procedures (unless otherwise noted in the Student Handbook), the following actions will be taken:

1st offense- Conference with student

2nd offense- Conference with student and phone call home and/or buddy room

3rd offense- Conference with student, phone call home, and office referral

If a student must be sent to a buddy teacher for any reason, the student will be required to complete a behavior reflection sheet that will be sent home for a parent signature. Student may be sent directly to office for extreme offenses.

Extra Help – Tutoring

Tutoring is offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 - 3:30pm. In addition, tutoring is provided from other teachers in the math department. A tutoring schedule will be available on my website as well as posted in the classroom.

Teacher Contact

The fastest way for parents or students to communicate with me is by email. Email is checked often throughout the day, in the evening, and on weekends. Parents may also leave a message on my voicemail. Messages will be returned as soon as possible.

Grade Website

Students and parents are encouraged to check the real time grade website regularly along with the teacher page. If you are not sure of the password, please contact the front office to get the necessary information. Please take the time to make sure that all contact information provided to the school or teacher is updated.



● Attend school regularly

● Be a focused, active participant in your learning

● Bring the supplies you need to succeed. Paper, pencil, calculator, and notebook are needed daily.

● Be responsible for your grade and check it regularly

● Complete all work assigned daily on time

● Come in for tutoring as needed; ask for help

● Work together (not cheat) when required

● Keep the lines of communication open by bringing home paperwork

● Return all parental communication promptly (with PARENT signatures, not YOUR signature)


● Subscribe to the teacher’s website for updates

● Check your student’s grades weekly on Infinite Campus – check with the front office for login information

● Make sure your student completes all work daily

● Participate in your student’s education

● Provide supplies to student. Pencils, paper, calculator and notebook are essential.

● Encourage your student to come to tutoring when needed

● Sign progress reports/teacher communication promptly

● Email teacher as questions/concerns arise


● Deliver lessons/instruction of content

● Help students learn material and provide opportunities for practice

● Provide students with additional help as needed

● Regularly assess students learning, either formally or informally

● Update grades weekly

● Provide progress reports after unit exams

● Communicate with parents regularly


● Cell phones are not needed in class. We have laptops and graphing calculators available for every student. If a cell phone is brought to class, it is to remain put away.