
Hi everyone!

So today we began our learning from home! A lot of you have already either logged in to check your work or have submitted your first assignment. Good job guys! I knew you could do it! So on Schoology there is a folder with our daily announcements so make sure you click on that to watch Mrs. Burns and Mrs. McNeese give the announcements like we did in school.

This week we are starting with Order of Operations. I have uploaded a video of how to solve those. I will be posting everything on Schoology. Remember you can set a timer for 50-60 minutes to work on math. Don't think you need to work on all of the assignments in one day. After the timer goes off, take a break from math and work on some more the following day. You guys will do great!

Remember your assignments will be on ClassKick, Freckle, and Khan Acadamey and sometimes Prodigy!