Sunset Hills

College and Career Readiness

College and Career Readiness (CCR) helps prepare all students to meet the demands of the 21st century workplace, by developing the competencies and comprehensive skills necessary to be successful students in preparation for college and/or the world of work after high school.

Throughout the year, 5th through 8th grade students will engage in self exploration (talent and skills) and career exploration and planning, to help promote personal, ethical, and work habits skills to enhance individual student success as they promote to high school and beyond.

***Parent teacher conferences start next week, if you would like to conference with me about your child, please send me an email at to schedule a time!***

About Me:

Hello everyone, my name is Carla Lynch, and I am teaching College and Career Readiness this year here at Sunset Hills Elementary School! This is my first year here at SHES, and I look forward to working with your student promoting college and career readiness! I am a certified School Counselor in the state of Arizona, and spent the last school year over at Shadow Ridge High school (one of our feeder high schools), but couldn't pass up the opportunity to be part of SHES and their amazing school community!! I have three daughters of my own who have attended SHES for the last 3 years, and am very excited to be a part of SHES! Here's to a wonderful 2017-18 school year, GO BOBCATS!