Dysart USD 

AZ Arts Proficiency Seal

2024-2025 School Year

State Seal of Arts Proficiency:  History and Objectives 

The Arizona State Seal of Arts Proficiency was signed into law by Governor Doug Ducey on May 14th, 2019. SB1111 had bipartisan support and was a grassroots effort from Arts Education Advocates from across the state. Senator Paul Boyer served as the bill’s sponsor. 

The goals of the Arizona State Seal of Arts Proficiency are: 

Timeline for Students

August 5-16, 2024-  School Level Presentation of Seal to interested students, hold informational parent meeting. 

August 16, 2024 - Teachers need to verify that all seniors and early grads are on their school's art seal spreadsheet. 

September 1, 2024- Digital Student Letter of Intention (see resources) must be completed. 

September 15, 2024Credit checks completed by Arts Director.   Notification sent via email to the mentor teachers, for any further conversations needed to be had or class schedule changes needed. 

October 4, 2024- Teachers need to upload portfolio links to school's art seal spreadsheet.

December 20, 2024-  Senior Portfolios Completed  (1st semester final). 

January 7-31 , 2025- Senior portfolios reviewed and revised based on panel feedback. 

March 30 2025- Director of Arts final approval

April 15, 2025- Seal Achievement Report Due to ADE

May 1, 2025- Districts receive diploma seals for qualifying graduates.