Art Projects

Prosiectau Celf

Dyffryn Taf Issue Tree Sculpture by Mr David Petersen

Cerflun Coeden Materion Dyffryn Taf gan Mr David Petersen

English Cymraeg

Dyffryn Taf's Erasmus Sculpture Tree ENGLISH VIDEO.mp4
Dyffryn Taf's Erasmus Sculpture Tree WELSH VIDEO.mp4

Issue Tree Artwork - Leading Lights Project

Gwaith Celf Coeden Materion - Prosiect Leading Lights

Erasmus Issue Tree Art Project.pdf

The SDG project aimed to transform the issue tree into a sculpture (Y Goeden Erasmus) using recycled materials. The sculpture is now the focal point for our outdoor learning space that the students transformed. See photos below.

Nod y prosiect NDC oedd i drawsnewid y goeden materion mewn i gerflun (Y Goeden Erasmus) gan ddefnyddio adnoddau wedi eu hailgylchu. Y cerflun yw pwynt focws ein gofod dysgu awyr agored gwnaeth y disgyblion ei weddnewid. Gweler y lluniau cynnydd isod.

Year 12 worked non stop to transform the garden area and create a space fit for 'Y Goeden Erasmus'

Gwnaeth Blwyddyn 12 weithio'n ddi-baid i weddnewid yr ardd a chreu lle addas ar gyfer 'Y Goeden Erasmus'