The Team

Manuel Rafael Sihombing Lumban Toruan

Secretary General

Manuel Rafael Sihombing Lumban Toruan is in class 12 at Dyatmika School. He has attended BaliMUN X as the delegate of Russia and delighted to serve as secretary general for the DyatMUN 2022. In his free time, he likes to edit videos and play badminton.

Radhita Annasuyu Diwasasri Anggono

Chair Of Security Council

Radhita Annasuyu Diwasasri Anggono is a Class 12 student at Dyatmika School. She has previously joined BALIMUN VIII as a Paige. In his free time, he enjoys writing and mapping alternative histories, reading and playing guitar. He also feels thoroughly uncomfortable writing about himself in the third person.

Ni Putu Santi Ardika

Chair of SPECPOL

Santi Ardika is in Class 11 at Dyatmika School. She has attended SCMUN as the delegate of Ethiopia, BaliMUNIX as Co-Secretary General and BaliMUNX as the chair of SPECPOL. Apart from MUN, Santi is a member of the Dyatmika Student Council as part of the Liaison and House System Department. Her free time is filled with doing charity work and playing the piano.

Artemy Melnik

Co-Chair of Security Council

Hello, my name is Artemy and I am from Class 10. My first MUN conference was the DHMUN conference where I was a delegate of France and I also participated in BaliMUN X as the delegate of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In my free time, I enjoy reading and learning different languages. It is my first time being a chair and I am very excited to see the lighted debates and to listen to the creative solutions for the problem addressed by the Security Council

Zac Thomas

Co-Chair of SPECPOL

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Maia Hoff

Head of Creative

Maia Hoff is in class 8 at Dyatmika school. She has attended both DHMUN as the delegate of Afghanistan and BaliMUNX as the delegate of North Korea. She's interested in the arts and fills her time with reading and watching video essays.